Chapter 6 JP's POV Not What I Expected

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Chapter 6 JP's POV Not What I Expected

This couldn't be possible, there's no way in hell she killed 2 of them herself. But I saw it with my own two eyes, Devon was dead, lying on the ground with Riley standing beside the body. She's just so small, how did she do it. That punch she threw earlier was powerful, more powerful than some of the shifters I've fought. The way her back looked when we walked into the room said she put up a good fight but I still wanted to know what exactly happened in the woods. It just bothers me that this girl, this human girl, has managed to kill 2 of the 3 Triples when all the shifters I know are scared of them. It also means that there is a very pissed off shifter ready to draw blood. Riley is amazing though, the girl almost died and she's worried about her friend not herself. I feel drawn to her plus the way she smells drives me crazy. Then there's her smile I've only got a glimpse of it once so far but it's wonderful. Seeing her panicked, tears in her eyes had me wanting to hold her close so she'd feel safe. These feelings were strange only because it's what I should feel for my mate and only my mate. Not a human girl no matter how beautiful she is.

Pacing back and forth outside the hospital room where Rachelle was working on Riley I couldn't help but feel that this is my fault. If only I'd went inside with her she wouldn't have gotten hurt again because of me. At the same time my wolf would have taken over exposing what I am, what we all are. I'm not sure that Riley could handle that on top of everything else that is happening. After a half hour Rachelle came out of the room.

"Jordan what are you still doing here?" she asked when she saw me.

"I needed to talk to you about Riley, about these feelings I'm having" I said when she pulled me over to the chairs in the hallway.

"What feelings? And what about Riley" she sounded worried now. Like any normal mother would be. Since she was like a 2nd mom to me it didn't surprise me and it wasn't hard to talk to her.

"I'm having feeling for Riley that I should only have for my mate. When she was upset I wanted to protect her. When I saw her back it made me angry that someone hurt her. This doesn't make sense, she's human. Wolf's don't mate with humans" I said exasperated.

"Let me show you something" she said standing up to go back into Riley's room. I hesitantly followed not sure what she was showing me. Riley was lying on her stomach on the bed with her face turned away from me. Her breathing was even, her back rising and falling with each breathe. The sheet was pulled all the way up covering her back. Rachelle walked around to the opposite side of the bed before pulling the sheet down. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, like my brain wouldn't register what my eyes saw. Her back was completely healed except for a few small bruises. Holding my hand over her back wanting to touch her, feel her smooth skin, I was amazed.

"Whatever you saw before isn't there, and her arm is already healing. She may smell human Jordan but she isn't" I looked at her speechless. If she wasn't human then what the hell is she?

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying there's a possibility she really is your mate. I got some blood to run tests but she's not 100% human. There's only one other creature that heals fast and they've been in hiding for centuries"

"Are you saying she could be a vampire" there's no way in hell I'd mate with a vampire.

"It's a possibility but I'll let you know what I find out as soon as I do. But keep in mind Jordan she doesn't know any of this so don't treat her different till you know for sure" She said rubbing my back. This was going to be hard. Nodding my head I left the room to find Hunter and Lexi. Of course they were still making out when I walked in. I was too wrapped up in what Rachelle said to even care.

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