Chapter 7 Getting Settled

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Chapter 7 Getting Settled

When I woke up the sun was shining through the large window. Bright blue walls, a flat screen across from me and to my left was JP. He stood up from the rocking chair moving over to the bed. He was wearing a white beater showing off his large, impressive chest, light colored jeans that sat low on his hips. My god he was hot!

"How do you feel" he asked putting his hand on my forehead. Mentally scanning my body, nothing hurt but my stomach which started growling. JP chuckled grabbing a bag off the counter by the door.

"Lexi said you liked hamburgers" he said setting the bag on my lap.

"Hamburgers for breakfast" he chuckled again.

"It's 2 in the afternoon Riley" oh well that makes more sense. JP stood there just staring at me with those dark eyes that were captivating. I wondered what happened and since he was the only one here I figured I'd ask him.

"What happened last night" I asked pulling the burger out of the bag. It smelled so good it had my mouth watering, my stomach growling even louder.

"Well you fell asleep or passed out rather while Rachelle was cleaning you up. You didn't even wake up when she put the stitches in your arm. Shortly after they brought you in here you got a high fever. It wasn't bad and the nurse said it could be from exhaustion, lack of food, even the medicine" he explained sitting at the foot of the bed still staring at me like he was trying to figure something out. What he was looking for I didn't know but it was making me nervous.

"How long have you been here?" I prayed he hasn't been here all night watching me.

"About 2 hours, we've all been keeping an eye on you and Lexi. But Gage seems more interested in you" JP said playing with a phone, my phone.

The hamburger was actually really good and gone way to fast. I didn't care if I looked like a pig scarfing it down in front of JP. When it was gone I looked in the bag to see it was empty.

"You want something else. There is a diner down the road I can go get you something" JP offered smiling an amazing smile. I couldn't figure out why he was being so nice to me since I punched him, accused him of being the reason Lexi was here and being kind of rude to him the whole time.

"Why are you doing all this for me?"

"I owe you for saving Maggie. We have a great relationship and if those monsters had hurt her I'd never forgive myself." I knew what he was saying it was the same way I felt about Lexi. Nothing would ever change how I felt about her and if I lost her I'd probably go insane.

"What about Alice" I asked remembering Maggie say something about them killing Alice even though I had no clue who she was. JP shook his head rubbing his hands down his face like remembering was bad enough.

"Alice was her nanny, she took care of Maggie when I wasn't around or my parents were out of town. Maggie thought of her as a big sister. At least it was quick"

"I'm so sorry. How is Maggie?"

"Our parents are with her. She's still shaken up by everything but keeps asking about you"

Just then the door opened showing a perky Lexi followed by Hunter. Lexi was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and red heels. Her poor feet have to kill her. Her hair was in a ponytail, make-up light, simple giving her a natural glow. Hunter was wearing a grey beater, dark blue jeans, and tennis shoes, pretty much the same thing he was wearing at the party just without the dress shirt. His blonde hair was neatly thrown back giving it a little wave on top.

"Morning sleeping beauty" Lexi smiled hoping on the bed then grabbing her ribs with a groan of pain.

"Morning pain in the ass or should I say back" I said smiling back. It was good seeing her up moving around acting like herself.

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