Chapter 11 More Questions than Answers

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Chapter 11 More Questions than Answers

I sat up in bed my heart pounding in my chest, sweat covering my face. So much for peaceful sleep, it's nightmares now. The room was still dark but my phone read 2:23. I just hope it's not a.m. Turning around on the bed I threw the curtains open getting a face full of dust making me cough. The sun blinded me letting me know it's day time. I wasn't ready to deal with any of this yet so I just pulled the curtain closed again and laid back down. My mind kept replaying what I saw in the woods, the way Russell's body changed, the horrible sound of his bones breaking. The fact that werewolves were real isn't what bothered me so much as the fact that everyone lied to me about it. Plus my father being one of them and never once telling me. I'm sure if he'd told me a long time ago I wouldn't be so upset now or hurt that he lied to me about everything. What I didn't understand though was why he said he adopted me when he was my real father? Why mom made up a story about my dad dying when I was a baby and Tom being his best friend? None of it made sense, and it was making my head hurt. Closing my eyes I drifted back to sleep.

Waking up again this time my sweating was from other things that I shouldn't be dreaming about. The main reason being that the person I'm dreaming about is engaged. When I looked at the phone it was 12:20 and I knew it was a.m. Even though I wasn't tired I also wasn't getting out of bed. It took forever but I finally managed to go back to sleep this time without any dreams at all.

When I woke up this time it was 11:40 and as much as I'd love to just stay in bed so nothing would bother me I knew I needed to get up and figure out how to get my mother away from Gage. There was so much to do with no clue where to start. I mean I know nothing of these people or him and he wants me to find out who murdered his family, do I look like a detective? First things first, bathroom, shower, then go from there. The shower was filthy so before I could do anything else I had to clean the whole room. Not really how I wanted to start the day. I wanted to kill Gage for making me stay here, there were countless other reasons but this was ridiculous. 

Once the bathroom was clean I jumped in the shower scrubbing the dirt off. Luckily the towels were still clean. Grabbing some jean shorts, a white tank top and my sandals I quickly got dressed. I wasn't worried about make-up, my hair I just threw in a ponytail. Not like I was trying to impress anyone right now. In the daylight the room looked dirtier than last night, cobwebs hung from the ceilings, dust particles floated around the room with every step. The office was a mess of papers, boxes, and files. The desk was covered with files of people, all of them had pictures with their name, age, date of birth, 1st shift then a picture of a wolf. Most of them were average size wolves, but some were smaller, some bigger. All their colors were different ranging from black to grey. There wasn't a single white wolf and all of them had weird symbols on their body somewhere.

When I came across Rachelle Blackwell's file it was stamped with "Terminate" on the top. That alone was strange but when I saw her wolf it was tiny. Her first shift was at 16 years old but she looked like a pup. Scanning through more files all the smaller wolves were marked the same.The wolves that were larger were stamped with "Fighter" or "Guard". When I started digging through the boxes it was the same. On the top of one box it read "Black Moon" another read "FireStone" and another and another all with different names. Opening the "FireStone" box it was filled with more files. The top one was a shock even though it shouldn't have been.

"Tomas Lee Andrews, age 20, D.O.B 7/14/71, 1st shift -14 years of age, Future Alpha" All the information about my Dad was right there in black and white. The picture of his wolf was a pretty grey and black one with grey eyes that looked exactly like mine. He was huge, even in the picture he looked like a leader. It went on talking about his strengths and weakness. On the back in bold black letters read "Enemy".

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