Chapter 18 High as a Kite

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Chapter 18 High as a kite

I sat in the forest waiting for her to show up, my mind going over all the questions I wanted to ask. I continued to wait and wait but she never showed up and it made me wonder if I had imagined her to begin with. Walking through the woods I began searching for her, maybe it was all in my imagination, this is a dream after all. The problem is I know it is a dream, so wouldn’t that make it real. After walking for a while I saw something that made me laugh. Accalia was running in circles chasing her tail, her tongue flapping out the side of her mouth. She looked like a normal dog other than being 6 feet tall and a beautiful silver color. When she heard me laugh she turned to me before she literally hopped toward me like a rabbit. What the hell is wrong with her?

“Accalia, are you alright?” I asked when she stopped in front of me.

“Good, I’m good, good, good, what bout you? Are you good?” she sounded different like she was on speed because she was talking so fast. I looked into her eyes to see they were dilated, and wondered if that meant she was actually high. Does that happen to wolves? Can they get high like a human?

“Are you high?” it came out before I could stop it but I needed to know. Something was going on with her.

“A little, whatever they have you on is super strong and wow” she said before she started chasing her tail again. Crazy ass dog! That’s when I felt it, my skin was tingling, my head started spinning and it felt like I was floating. Shit, shit, shit, I needed to wake up and get these drugs out of me.  

My eyes shot open to a spinning room, my head felt like it weighted a ton. Looking down my arm I saw the IV that was in my wrist and without thinking I ripped it out. Blood covered my wrist along with the clear liquid that was pumping through the IV. I had to pee so bad that my bladder felt like it was going to explode so I climbed out of bed and clumsily made my way to the bathroom. As I was finishing up I started laughing as a thought popped into my head. It wasn’t that funny but I couldn’t quit laughing. I needed to find Hunter or JP and ask them. Running out of the room it felt like I was flying, like my feet weren’t even touching the floor as I ran into the hallway. With everything spinning I ran into the door frame, a chair and hit my toe on the bed but nothing hurt. Nobody was in the hall so I started down the hall screaming for Hunter and Lexi. Within seconds I heard them hollering back when they appeared at the end of the hall running toward me. Both of them were blurry and very funny looking.

“Wow, you look funny” I commented when they stopped in front of me looking panicked.

“Riley are you ok” Lexi asked but I looked up at Hunter.

“I have a question for you” I said pointing in his face. My hand was numb so I poked him in the chest not feeling a thing causing me to laugh again.

“Riley” Hunter questioned with one eyebrow arched.

“Yes” I answered “Oh, oh, Oh, if you have to pee when in wolfy form do you hike on a tree. Is that how you mark your territory” my words were a little slurred but when I heard Lexi giggle I turned to her. “What? It’s a good question” I said when Hunter started laughing.

“What is going on here” that smooth voice said making me shiver. JP appeared beside Hunter staring at me.

“MR.ELECTRIC” I screamed then I remembered Beth and I turned cold eyes to JP who was staring with his mouth drawn in a tight line “You tell that bitch fiancé of yours to stay the hell away from me.” Looking to Lexi “She stuck her fingers in my boo-boo and it hurt, and, and I don’t like her anymore” I pouted. Lexi was trying not to laugh at me, Hunter had his hand covering his mouth as he coughed and JP looked pissed.

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