Chapter Thirteen - Raphael

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Chapter Thirteen: Raphael - Unedited, as always. 

I chased down the last archer with fury coursing feverishly through my veins. He ran on two feet, and I powered behind him on four. The foolish kid wasn't going to get away from me. He was going to shoot my Cora with a lethally loaded arrow. Wolfsbane, and enough of it to paralyze her. She didn't stand a chance alone. I really wished Cora would listen to me for once, but her stubborn personality wouldn't allow that. 

She needed to prove that she could take care of herself. She did though, she completely annihilated one of her threats.

The scrawny bastard had it coming to him, I just wish I would've done it instead of her. As if Cora's name wasn't tarnished enough, she goes and relentlessly murders a member of her own original pack. The founding pack. 

"Please, stop," The boy murmured as he was backed up against a large tree. I snarled, baring sharp fangs at his face. 

His masked figure quivered. 

"I didn't want to hurt her," He stammered even harder. His breath was raggedy with every rushed word said. "Loren charmed us."

Charming was an affinity only some Alpha blood lines could possess, and Loren was in no place to have such a charasmatic quality. 

I could hear the boy take a sharp intake of breath, readying himself to speak again, but I couldn't resist digging my claws deep into his flesh. His anguish filled howls fluttered into the air. I ran away from the bleeding body; death by blood loss was a torturous enough punishment. 

Instead of storming through the dimly lit woods, I trotted slowly enjoying the peace of the night. For once, I found comfort in knowing that in the constellation maps above, Hanna was watching over us. I didn't mean for her death, honest. I still wouldn't ever forgive myself for causing it, but I could stand tall knowing she was out of any further harm.

Cora's scent was muddled with the distinct coppery smell of blood, and mutt. A low growl resonated deep in my chest. The only other mutt who wanted Cora was her little buddy, Jack. I didn't take lightly to people trying to make a move on what was mine. 

Pretty boy, she can still leave if she wants; bite her, force her to be ours, my wolf deeply growled. A mischevious tone filled his elusive voice. 

I sighed. She might have accepted me bringing us one step closer to mating, but I hadn't gotten her in bed yet. Granted, it had been less than a day since she accepted us, but I couldn't help the lustful attraction. My wolf was also right, after all she was flawless, powerful, and confident; an ideal mate to any male. Even though we were Fated, it was taking a while to get anywhere near permanence, and the idea of her leaving burned. 

I was all wolf. An Alpha Male. I needed a mate. I needed her. 

Her vampire side might beg otherwise, but I was going to make her mine.

With the darkness blinding me, I let my nose guide me to my one true love. Cora's sweet yet intoxicating floral scent led me all the way home. The cold hard ground beneath me passed in a flurry before I reached the damp, dewy grass of my lawn. 

Right on my doorstep was her white wolf. Snout buried behind red stained paws, and her tail curled tightly around her. Next to her sat the mutt. His eyes were open, and alert. He didn't jump at the sight of me, and I mentally frowned. Why didnt the little prick fear me?

"Raphael," Jack greeted me with a nod of the head. My lips cured allowing a slow, long growl to break in the silent night air. 

"No need to be hostile," Jack said, holding his hands up in surrender. I knowingly smiled-- I could still instill fear in the mongrel. "I'm not looking for trouble."

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