Chapter Five - Raphael

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Chapter Five - Unedited and in Raphael's pov! Read at your own risk! Thank you all SO much for the 110 reads!!! Btw, this is for Trezima for telling me to find my inner bro. >:D

My father was pacing around in his office. His shoulders were taut and his face was set into a rageful scowl. I didn't know whose life had been taken, but it must have been someone of relative importance. The last time someone was killed--there was now a grand total of six dead-- my father barely took action and now he's on the verge of killing someone else. Our numbers as the Black Blood pack might have been strong, but with the frequent killings even we needed to keep our guards up. My father's chest was grumbling, threatening to erupt into a fury of snarls. 

"Charlie Mitchells has been killed," He snarled through grit teeth. His natural grey eyes were beginning to take the form of his wolves. Red. Blood lusting red. I watched carefully as his muscles tensed and shifting uneasily under his human skin. "You were supposed to be watching him." 

I didn't even wince. Not this time, not again. Algernon was used to everyone cowering under his wrath with fear flooding their eyes, but I was no longer the meek child he knew. All the tongue lashings and outright beatings had turned me into pure steel. At the age of twenty two, I was no longer breakable. 

Algernon turned to face me in all his rage, and began to stalk over to me like a lion hunting a delicate piece of prey. He let out a low pitched feral sound before taking a steady lunge to my face. The pain of getting a black eye was nothing compared to what I've endured in my dim lit past. I knew Algernon could do worse, and I was waiting for it. I was patiently waiting the moment where I could have enough reason to claw right back. 

"Fight me!" He growled, taking another stab right in my shoulder. Keep it coming old man. Keep it coming. 

His fists became a whirlwind of punches one right after the other after the other. He would shoot a new place everytime, but I barely even felt it. The old man was starting to lose his touch. His personal punching bag was finally stronger than him. About time. 

"You're too weak to be an Alpha," He spat out another insult.

Because he takes care of this pack so well, right? My wolf snorted sarcastically. He was opinionated and strong willed. I was just glad to have better reigns over him than my father. 

I snarled in return, allowing my canines to elongate. I bared sharp teeth, snapping in his face. His face contorted into something incredibly animalistic. We faced each other with our hands at the other's neck. 

We went on wrestling like this for a few minutes completely making a complete tisastor of his office. The desk snapped under the pressure of having him pinned down, and the chair was tossed out carelessly, shattering the window. Paper files rained on us as they were thrown amuck. They littered the floor which caused uneasy footing. 

His time is up, my wolf snarled. He was influencing my frenzy onward. 

"I challenge you, Algernon, as Alpha of this pack," My words stormed out of my curled lips. Algernon's red eyes took on a small hint of surprise before regaining their natural glint of blood lust. 

"Have it your way, child," His deep voice came out with a demonic hiss. 

We brawled it out. Biting, punching, grappling each other for dominance. He had reserved a lot of strength for this moment but I wasn't holding out. One minute I was holding the advantage in my palm, and in a split second he had the leverage. This lethal dance went on for a while until we reached a stalemate. 

Battered and bruised we couldn't take this to te next level. Surprisingly enough, even Alergnon would not kill his own son to keep his title. 

I let out one last menacing growl before turning to leave his office. 

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