Chapter Nineteen

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I'm sorry this has taken me forever and that it's short. I was supposed to be getting homework done tonight but decided to write this for you guys instead. Please comment, and murder the vote button:)

Chapter Nineteen - Unedited

Night swiftly overtook the sky in a flurry of twinkling stars and a beaming white moon. I should have naturally felt secure under the presence of the moon but tonight I only felt unnerved. Jimmy continually kept a safe distance from me while I searched for Raphael. I imagined he didn't go very far, but the distance out between us mentally only made me wonder if he had fallen into a blip in the universe due to Jimmy's interference.

Jimmy remained silent but every so often he'd give me a bit if information regarding Natalia. Apparently when my father made a deal with the devil, he wasn't aware that he was also spawning another vampire.

My wolf wallowed in silence. She was perturbed that if Jimmy hadn't interfered, she would be gone. I felt her fear which caused by anxiety to spike. She also didn't appreciate sharing me with vampire tendencies. The bloodlust urges were things beyond my control.

"We should experiment with your, ah, abilities," Jimmy suggested. I shot him a short look, not wanting to deal with all of this right now. Raphael could be anywhere, what if he was too far away for me to feel him hurting. What if my mark had hindered him? I wasn't thinking clearly when I bit him, and claimed him as mine. 

"Well, why not? You could use them to your advantange in this war," Jimmy huffed behind me. He was lagging behind me at an alarmingly slow rate and for an Angel, I assumed he would just be able to zoom over to his destination within lightning speed. Something was terribly wrong with him, and I felt it in the pit of my stomach. 

Because, I'm scared to find out, I snorted back. It was the truth, because the little I had already known about myself was weighing my sanity down. I had compelled Raphael against his will just to get myself out of trouble and I didn't even think about it when I did it. It just kind of happened all in one big blur. 

You're scared of not being able to control yourself, my wolf chastised me. She was more than correct. What if I let that demonic part of me in, and then it completely changed who I was? I was completel content with being just Cora, and not vampire wolf Cora. 

"Fear will consume you," Jimmy noted as he patted my head and ruffled my ears. I glowered at him, not appreciating the dehumanizing act. I didn't realize that I had stopped trotting along until glancing at Jimmy who was standing next to me; unmoving. 

I disregarded Jimmy's comment, and started up a slow pace again while weaving my way through the solemn woods. My heart was dead set on one thing, and that one thing only; finding Raphael. I knew that he was still breathing, but I couldn't find his presence anywhere. Even in our sacred mental link, dead silence greeted me. I couldn't even find the possibilty of a wall blocking me out. I knew that Jimmy had prevented the predicted future from occuring by eliminating someone. but did he accidentally drag Raphael along with him too?


The twinkling lights above were only helping by forming a constellation map. Raphael's distinct smell of fresh rain and mint was untraceable in the area. Panic flooded my system causing my heart to beat erratically -- if I could find Raphael, I was stuck in the middle of nowhere. I wasn't really in the know abou where Hidden Springs was located. 

Can't you find him? I begged the Angel who was hovering behind me. I stopped once more and listened for any signs of life other than the slight rustle of branches. 

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