Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Dedicated to Jillson_487 for reading this story since pretty much it's beginning. I hope you've been enjoying it and I've loved your little bits of commentary they have amde my day. Thank you for reading and supporting this novel, without you Vixen probably would have closed open ended long ago. <3

Chapter Twenty-Seven: five more!

Imagine waking up dazed and confused, and everything just being hazy. Imagine my surprise to wake up in a large amount of stabbing pain in my abdomen. My body sharply reacted to the pain and I felt myself on the brink of shifting.

A doctor and a handful of nurses came rushing in and filed into the room. Someone yelled push but I didn't know what I was pushing for. Noises filled the small room. Shouting, chanting, haunting sounds of panic. Someone began crying hysterically. The sobs were choppy with chokes in between.

My face was wet with tears; was crying.

"Oh no," Someone let out a defeated sigh. "So much for the good news,"

I felt exhausted. Mentally and physically worn out by the event; whatever that may be. I didn't want to open my eyes, I just wanted to sleep; I couldn't. I felt the cold icky wet feeling. I opened my eyes and screamed at the sight of my body wallowing in a puddle of my own pooling blood.
Screams slipped past my lips. Panic flooded my system once more as the horrible realization dawned upon me; was dying.

"Luna?" One of the nurses asked gingerly. I just stared at her blankly. "Do you know where you are?"

I shook my head. The last thing wavering on the brink of remembering and forgotten was seeing the maniacal thin smile of a vampire. I growled at the nurse for a brief second but I realised she heavily carried the smell of Black Blood. I cringed.

Someone had to have saved me -- where was my savior? How did they manage to save me? I was in the clutches of the oldest fucking vampire. Yet here I was, safely surrounded by my own kind. 

That still didn't explain to me the thickening redness surrounding my body. I felt the bile rise up my throat and the next thing I knew I was hurling up air. The nurse frantically came to my side, placing a bucket underneath my face as I spit, and continued to choke and gag on my own spit. Little came up, but I still felt overall sick. 

And unbearably weak. 

"Luna, do you know your name?" She looked genuinely concerned for me. I would be too considering my current condition. 

"C-cora," My name stammered and fumbled against my clumsy tongue. 

"Do you know what happened to you?" Her voice was soft. 

I again shook my head, too weak for words. As always,  I was sitting waiting for someone else to tell me all the answers. 

"Luna, you were only in the early stages," She began and forced me to look in her eyes. She kept a steady gaze with me and her words came out as gentle and soft. "And you had a miscarriage."

Wait, what? Miscarriage as in I was pregnant? No, no, no, that shouldn't have even happened. I shouldn't be capable of conceiving wolf babies. I had assumed that being part vampire would either make incompatible with carrying wolf children; I guess it only made me a stronger canidate. 

"I'm sorry Luna, you lost all three of them," She gave me a pat on the hand, before moving away from me as I let the information sink in. 

Not only was I pregnant, but with triplets. Triplets. Holy shit, Fate really wanted me to pop some pups out but neither did I want kids, nor was it an ideal time to go through a rigorous wolf pregnancy. War was raging and I couldn't risk all that just for measly pups. 

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