Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Only 3 more chapters.

I blinked multiple times and even dug a claw into myself to ensure I wasn't dreaming. If I heard him correctly, then that would mean we were vaguely related. In what relation, I had no fucking clue. As far as I was aware and according to that damn magical book I was the only Argent child. 

My mind reeled for possibilities. Was he perhaps an uncle or even a lost first cousin? But even then he wouldn't hold the family title.

"Stop fucking with me," I snapped without even thinking twice.

The gangly blonde's mouth stretched into a grin. I narrowed my eyes at his pretentious expression, waiting for a true answer.

"Mother dearest didn't tell you?" His voice was collected and almost misguiding at the same time.

"My patience is waning. Fast. Cut to the chase or I'll cut your throat," I stepped towards him, glaring furiously, attempting to keep an intimidating demeanor.

"You're not the only child Hero had. I came first and when Orion found out he ruined you to get back at mom." I watched him carefully. He pushed his scraggly  blonde hair away from his face, and his brown eyes stared into mine. We took a moment of just directing each other's gazes at each other. In small ways, I could see the resemblence between us. The faint laugh lines engraved into the side of his mouth, and the suspscious sparkle in his eyes. 

"Did Hero cheat?" I cried incredulously. Regardless of who she was, it was in wolf nature to be bound to your Fated pair. It was basically going against everything instinctive to even want to cheat.

"I came along before Hero and Orion even met," He smirked. 

"That would make you -" 

"Your half brother," Adrian's smile was devilish. The way the corners of his lips turned up just screamed "up to no good".  He had the big bad wolf aura radiating around him, and unlike Raphael who had me under false pretenses, something told me that there was a story in Adrain's past that made it real. 

 "How did you find me?" I began walking backwards. My hands were running through my knotted hair, and my mind was far away floating on a cloud and overseeing the situation. 

"You're all that talk little sis," Adiran smirked, and stood taller. He was a gangly blonde with shaggy blond hair. His dark brown eyes were dark and very suspect if you asked me. They were as dark as the night, and the night held all the secrets. 

"Why are you really here?" I countered, and began slowly putting a distance between us. I had taken care of the threat. The only thing I wanted to do right now was to be side by side with my mate. He was lying rather broken in an infirmery bed and I was stalling by taking a stroll down memory lane, that wasn't actually memory lane. If I had a sibling I had grown up with, reuiniting like this would be memory lane. Under the current circumstances, this conversation had different pretenses. We were acknowledging the existence of the other for the first time. 

"I want to join the Black Blood Pack," He snorted and I heard his foot steps shallowly crunching on leaves behind on. 

"Can you fight?" I carefully asked. That question could become misconstrued depending on the wolf. To me, I was asking about his abilities - we were about to enter a war after all. To another wolf, that question could be implying that I was inquiring if they were challenging my position or not. 

Sometimes that would lead to a battle and those generally ended in a death. I knew that I would win and I wasn't ready to have another wolf's blood staining my once pure paws. 

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