Chapter Sixteen

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We're officially halfway through Vixen. What the heckles, where did the time go? It would be AWESOME if you would go read Chasing Riley for me! :) Thank you so much IvoryStars for making the wonderful banner.  And sorry for the delay. Happy Holidays!<3

Chapter Sixteen - Unedited

There was a giant commotion amongst the crowd. My birth giver was screaming at a shrill pitch a slur of unintelligable cuss words in my direction. I ignored her and met Raphael's eyes. For once, I could read past the stony surface. Concern, and confusion were swirling in the abyss of his ocean blue eyes. Placing my hands on my hips, I attempted to innocently roll my lower lip into my mouth, and nibbled on it slightly. 

I just needed a kiss for Raphael to seal the deal of our sudden marriage. Knowingly, I watched him step forward cautiously. Cooper had hooted, following it with a wolf whistle. Raphael wrapped a strong arm around me, placing a hand on the small of my back, dipped me back and rested his lips gently against mine. It was probably the sweetest kiss we had ever shared; normally our kisses are feverish and full of need.

A need that never gets satisfied, my wolf huffed in the back of my mind. I had been ignoring her for the majority of the day, and she was growing agitated with me. 

"Why would you do this to us?" Sperm donor bellowed causing all the cheering from the Black Blood Pack to be silenced. 

Raphael snapped his gaze towards him, and a low growl reverberated through the open air. My biological father and mate were not going to have a show down on my watch therefore I stepped in front of Raphael who grasped me possesively.

"I won't deny Fate because of some petty rivalry," I directly spoke to my father in a stern collected matter. Every single word I said was nothing but the honest truth. Fate bound me to Raphael for the greater good, other than being a part of some stupid game of tug of war.

My mother was bawling, and my father wrapped an arm around her shoulders and attempted to console her but his eyes never left mine, not even for a second.

"We can't be King and Queen forever, Coralina," Orion said as he practically spat out my name. I rolled my eyes knowing that they weren't obligated to stop at me. They could had another, a son even, a child who wouldn't fail them.

"Maybe it's time for the Argent family to step down then," To my surprise, it was Meredith who took on the courage to speak.

My mother choked on her tears as she let loose a high pitched appalled gasp. My father's deep, dark black eyes didn't leave mine for a second. If anyone was having a showdown, it was me and him.

"Who is going to run the Kingdom? Surely not a Sterling, they will bring it to ruins," Orion snarled growing more furious by the Black Blood's shouts and implications of stepping down. I watched as an uprising began to break out right before me.

"I will," Raphael spoke this time. His deep voice unwavering.

Both Orion and Hero's eyes looked at Raphael who was standing tall and regal. Power was just emanating off of his rigid body.

"Are you challenging me?" Orion scoffed, looking at his pack for support. The dead silence signalled no one wanted to back him up. I felt as though, everyone bowed down to Orion out of fear.

"Do I need to?" Raphael instagated further.

"I am not stepping down to you," My father growled loudly, and his body tensed. He was trying to keep himself from impulsively shifting. I didn't know what to do in that moment. If Orion and Raphael battled it out, I didn't want Raphael to wind up dead or comatose, and I didn't want Orion dead either because then we would have to forcibly meld together the Kingdom and the Black Blood Pack. 

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