Chapter 3

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Draco lay on his bed, silently contemplating what had just happened just hours earlier. The main thing was: he had kissed a mudblood. A mudblood who just do happened to be Hermione Granger. His actions went against everything his family stood for. He hoped his parents didn't find out. To make matters worse, it seemed the entire school had found out and was talking about it. Walking to his classes he would receive strange looks and whispered insults. And that wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was that he actually did love her. Now he wondered if Granger loved him back. He got up off his bed and walked to the door of the Slytherin common room. He opened it and found Hermione standing outside, getting ready to knock. She jumped in surprise, then straightened up and said,"We need to talk." He nodded in agreement. He quickly looked around the common room, making sure no one else was in the room. Draco waved her in. Hermione sighed and say down on a plush green couch.
"So...?" Draco eyed her questioningly.
"Why is this happening?" Hermione burst out, almost close to tears. Draco sensed this, and out of instinct, crossed the room and say down, drawing her into a comforting hug. Hermione tensed, but have up and returned the hug. Malfoy was as surprised as she was, but it felt good comfort someone for once. Hermione just sat there, enjoying the secure feeling of him.
"Hermione, I hate to say it, but I think the only logical explaination is, that, well, we actually do love each other. To be honest, I do love you, 'Mione, I just don't know how or why," Draco admitted. Hermione leaned back against the couch, reluctantly pulling out of his strong embrace. She allowed herself a smal smile, happily observing how he had used her nickname.
"I-I love you too, Draco," she stammered. He looked shocked for a moment, then relieved. "That's good to know," he said quietly, gazing into her bright blue eyes. He inched closer to her, closing his eyes. This time it was Hermione who made the first move. She softly pressed her lips to his and wrapped her arms around his neck. Draco ran his hands over the small of her back, caught up in the sweet taste of her lips. He pushed her back onto the couch, making his way down. Hermione stopped him. He looked at her, puzzled.
"Not here!" she whispered. She glanced nervously at the door. Draco listened closely and could hear footsteps approaching. He grabbed Hermione's hand and they both ran up the curving stairs, turned a corner and into a bedroom. Draco quickly shut the door behind them. Hermione looked around. It certainly was very Slytherin colored. Green was present on almost all of the furniture. She went over to the queen sized bed and looked at Draco slyly. He looked at her equally slyly and slid on next to her. He smirked, then leaned forward, kissing her passionately. His hands worked their way up, slowly removing her blouse. Hermione started on his shirt, pulling it up over his lean shoulders. Draco, continuing from where they left off, rolled over, Hermione on top of him. She moaned softly as he explored her, his hands moving over her body.
"First time?" Draco murmured, kissing her neck.
Hermione shrugged. "Yep. You?" Draco pulled away and lay down. "Surprisingly enough, yes."
"Surprisingly?" Hermione looked confused. Draco rolled over to face her. "Well, a lot of people would have expected me to have done this before. I mean, not to brag, but I'm pretty good looking, and plus, I have nice abs," he licked his lips, grinning at her.
"Oh, don't flatter yourself," Hermione teased, resting her head on his chest. Draco chuckled and kissed the top of her head. They lay in silence for a few minutes, the Hermione jumped up suddenly. "What's wrong?" Draco asked, slightly alarmed. Hermione was grabbing her clothes and throwing them on.
"I just remembered I was supposed to meet Harry and Ron at Hogsmeade 10 minutes ago!" she said, panicked. Draco's face fell. "Oh...will you be back later?" he asked hopefully.
Hermione leaned down and kissed him lightly. "I'll be back,' she assured him. Then she turned and raced down the stairs and out the door, hoping no one saw her.

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