Chapter 12

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Hermione woke the next morning to the small of sizzling bacon and eggs. She frowned, wondering who had gotten into her house. She crept down the stairs, and saw a flash of red hair by the stove. She laughed at herself for thinking a murderer would break into her home and cook her breakfast.
"Hermione, I know you're sitting on the steps. Come on down!" Ginny's voice floated from the kitchen. Hermione entered the kitchen and looked curiously at Ginny.
"I heard about what happened yesterday, so I used the spare key under the doormat and decided to make you something nice after all that drama," Ginny filled her in, seeing the confused look Hermione had. "Sorry I didn't call."
Hermione smiled. "It's fine. It's nice to see you!"
"You too! Want some breakfast?" Ginny offered her a plate loaded with bacon, eggs, and a slice of toast.
Hermione took it hungrily. "Thanks! This is amazing!" she said.
Ginny took a seat next to her. "So...What all happened last night? I want to hear it from you."
Hermione finished her food and told Ginny everything, trying desperately not to burst into tears in front of her best friend. Her attempts failed, though, and after she told her the events of yesterday, Ginny was holding a sobbing Hermione as she tried to calm her down. "I'm so sorry," Ginny murmured.

3 months had gone by and Draco and Hermione hadn't spoken at all. Most of her friends, including her, Ginny, Harry, Draco, and some select others had decided not to return to Hogwarts for their last year, so they were done with school for the most part. Hermione had a part-time job at a local cafè, and she was currently sitting at a secluded table with a cup of strong coffee. She heard the bell on the door chime, but she didn't look up. She jumped as the chair across from her became occupied. She was surprised to see Draco looking at her with his soft gray eyes.
"I think us having a nice chat is long overdue."
"I believe you are right," she agreed quietly.
"Not here though. We can go to my place." He stood up, not really giving Hermione a choice but to go with him.

Once at Draco's place, he sat down on a plush chair and motioned for Hermione to sit in the one across from him. She obliged, not saying a word.
"Hermione, I-" Draco started, his voice breaking with emotion. He took a deep breath, collected himself, then continued. "Hermione, I still love you. I'm sure any other guy wouldn't, but for some reason I do. When we were together, you were my everything, 'Mione, my world! And I...I don't want to lose that again," he said quietly.
Hermione covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh my God, Draco! I love you too! I wanted to talk to you sooner, but I was afraid...afraid you didn't love me anymore!" she was practically sobbing now.
Draco moved over to her and held her close. "God I missed you so much," he whispered into her hair.
She looked up and wiped her eyes. "I missed you too."

For the second time, Draco moved in with Hermione. They were now seated at the kitchen table eating pizza.
"Draco?" Hermione asked.
"Yes, baby?"
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course! Ask away!" Draco said.
"Well...when we were apart, did you...see anyone else?" Hermione said.
Draco laughed. "Well, there was a waitress at the Leaky Cauldron, but that lasted about 4 days. Other than that, no. Did you are anyone?"
Hermione looked away. "Not exactly."
Draco frowned. "How do you mean?"
"Clavius came around a while ago and he tried to...get me interested again."
"Interested how?" Draco said, concerned.
"Erm...sexually interested," Hermione mumbled.
Draco furrowed his brow. "Did you do it?"
She shook her head rapidly. "Absolutely not! I almost did, though, but I stopped it. I told him I never wanted to see his face again, but now that I'm telling you this, I feel kind of rude. I mean, he is your cousin," Hermione said.
Draco clenched his fists. "That bastard is no cousin of mine. On a brighter note, that's my girl," he said, pulling her off her seat and kissing her gently.
As she drifted off to sleep, she thought about how nice it was to have Draco back with her.

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