Chapter 9

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Draco was sitting in Hermione's kitchen, watching her make fudge brownies. He cleared his throat uncertainly. "Um...'Mione?" He asked.
Hermione turned around, the brownie-batter covered spoon still in her hand. "Yeah?" she replied, puzzled, seeing the uncertain look on his face.
Draco reddened a bit. "Well...I've been live alone, in this big house, with no one to keep you company. And, erm, I live parents. So, uh, maybe we should..." he faltered.
"Move in together?" Hermione finished, a shy smile on her flushed face.
Draco smiled. "If you want to?"
Hermione set down the spoon and ran into his arms. "Of course I do!" Draco laughed, then slowly lost the happiness.
Hermione frowned. "What is it baby?" she asked.
" father...doesn't like you. What will he think about me living with a Muggle?"
"Oh...hmm. Didn't think about that...but your mother likes me! Maybe she'd approve?" Hermione said.
Draco's face brightened. "You're right! We'll be fine." He looked at her sidelong. "When should I start?"
Hermione grinned. "Yes! Moving day!"

"Do you want me to come with you?" Hermione questioned.
Draco thought for a moment. "I think it would be best if you stayed here, you know? Because of my father."
She nodded. "Alright, I understand. I'll be here!"
Draco kissed her. "Be back soon!" He hopped into his pickup truck and drove off.

He arrived at the mansion and parked his truck.
His mother came out onto the porch and looked at his ride disapprovingly. "Draco, you know I don't like that," she said. "It's much less...practical."
Draco sighed. "I know, Mother. But I'm moving out today, and I need the space."
Narcissa's eyes lit up. "Where to?" she asked.
He looked away awkwardly. " with my girlfriend," he stammered.
"Oh, that lovely Hermione girl? She is absolutely wonderful!" Narcissa exclaimed. Draco opned his mouth to say something, but she cut him off. "Yes, I know she is Muggle-born," she chuckled.
Draco looked relieved. "Is Father home?" he wondered.
"No. He won't be back for a while," his mother answered. "Now, go gather your things and begone!" she teased him.
He smiled. "I'm going, I'm going!"

Hermione was seated on the couch reading a book when she heard loud pounding on the garage door leading to the house. She frowned and walked over cautiously. She opened the door a crack and saw it was Draco, his arms full of books. She opened it further to let him in.
"Thanks honey," he said over the pile.
"Need some assistance?" Hermione asked.
"Sure! You can just go to my truck and see what you can carry," he replied. Hermione came back with a trunk full of clothes and set them down by the stairs.
"Thanks again," Draco said.
"You found the right room, I assume?" she asked.
"Was it the one with a photo of us on the dresser?"
Hermione laughed. "That's the one!"

About an hour later, Draco was completely moved in. Hermione say down on the couch next to him, sweeping her brown hair out of her eyes. "Whew! That was some hard work! Glad it's over." she nuzzled against Draco's shoulder and sighed contentedly. They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, then Hermione jumped up and said, "Ok I'm hungry now."
"What about those brownies you made earlier? Have you eaten those yet?" Draco suggested, getting up and joining her at the pantry.
"Ooh, good idea!" Hermione said. She took the pan off the cooling rack and cut them into squares, handing one to Draco.
He bit into it, closing his eyes. "Mmm, these are delicious! 'Mione, you sure can cook!"
"Aw, thanks! It was my mother's recipe," Hermione said, using her thumb to remove some chocolate from the corner of Draco's mouth. "Well, this has been a fairly productive day if I do say so myself," Hermione said through a mouthful of brownie. She swallowed and grinned slyly. "Wanna make it even more productive?" she asked, taking his hand and pulling him toward the stairs, already undressing.
"Boy, do I!" Draco replied, following her upstairs.

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