Chapter 15

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Hermione's get-together wasn't as elaborate as she had envisioned, but it would have to do. It was basically a dinner party, anyway. Ginny, Harry, Fleur, and the rest of the Weasleys were all there. Draco hung back a bit more, since he still wasn't accustomed to his fianceé's friends. They were all sitting on either the couch or chairs.
Hermione waved Draco over. "Come over here, Draco! Don't we have something to tell everyone?" Draco shuffled over and sat down by Hermione.
"So? What do you have to tell us?" Ginny asked excitedly.
Draco placed his hand over Hermione's and they said in unison, " We're engaged!"
The women squealed in delight, while the men just congratulated them.
"Tell me all the details," Ginny demanded.
"Details for what?" Hermione said innocently.
"Oh, you know what," Fleur said in her silky French accent.
Hermione shrugged. "There isn't really much to tell! We were standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, admiring the view, and he just...proposed to me!"
"There must be more than that!" Ginny prodded.
"Mmm...I said yes and we kissed...and before that he bought me the necklace I'm wearing," Hermione said simply.
"Zat is so romantic!" Fleur gushed.
"When's the wedding?" Ginny asked.
Hermione frowned. "We haven't exactly figured that out yet."
"I can help you plan it, if you want," Ginny offered.
She brightened up. "Oh, would you?"
"Of course! I can come over tomorrow, if you'd like," Ginny said cheerfully.
"That works! See you then!"

The next day, Ginny came over around 10:00, her arms filled with assorted magazines and pamphlets. "My mother had these laying around the house," she explained.
Hermione nodded. "I see."
Ginny spread the magazines on the coffee table and said to the bride-to-be, "Let's get started!"
Hours later, the wedding was completely arranged. It was to be three weeks from then, in the big open space by the Burrow. Invitations had been made, inviting the Weasleys, Draco's parents and cousins, Harry and Ron, Remus and Tonks, some old friends from school, and multiple relatives from Hermione's family. Both girls sat back on the couch, exhausted.
Suddenly, Ginny perked up. "'Mione, do you have a dress?"
"Erm, I don't think so," Hermione said.
"Great! Tomorrow we can go shopping for one!" Ginny said.
"Yep! Tomorrow," Hermione sighed.

"Ooh, what about this one?" Ginny held up a sleeveless, very frilly dress.
"Mmm...too many frills," Hermione decided. "How about this one?" she showed Ginny a simple, but beautiful dress embedded with small white flowers and sequins.
"Hmm, I quite like that one! Go try it on!" Ginny shooed her toward the dressing room. Hermione came out and twirled around, the dress circling around her. "Well? What do you think?"
"I think...that we just found you a wedding dress!"
Hermione picked out a pair of white ballet flats adorned with faux crystals to wear with her dress.
"Those shoes match perfectly!" Ginny said happily. "Should we go out for lunch?"

Hermione got home a little after 8:00 p.m. Draco was sprawled across the couch watching a Quidditch game.
"Draco, get your feet off the couch. We're not even married yet and you're already breaking the rules!" she teased. He moved his legs and she sat next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder.
"Did you find a dress?" he asked.
"Yes, but you can't see it until we get married," she told him, giving him a lopsided grin.
"Alright then," he laughed, kissing her on the cheek and getting up. "Want anything to eat?"
"No, I'm okay," she replied. He came back with a box of cereal.
"Are you just gonna eat that straight out of the box?"
"Yes...?" He said slowly.
"Not without giving me some!"
Draco shook his head. "Who am I marrying?" he said quietly, smiling to himself.
Hermione heard his comment and said, "You are marrying the most beautiful woman you have ever met. Good thing, too, because you can't cook!"
"Too right you are," he agreed. "I can't cook if my life depended on it!"
Hermione laughed and said, "You know that's right!"

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