Chapter 8

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Hermione awoke the next morning to a dust-colored owl tapping at her window. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and walked sleepily to the window. She opened it to let the owl in, but it stayed perched on the ledge. She shrugged and carefully untied the parchment attached to its leg. Her tiredness went away as soon as she saw that it was from Draco. She thanked the owl and sat at her desk, eagerly ripping through the wax seal. Hermione unfolded the faded parchment and read it quietly to herself
Dearest Hermione,
I was beginning to think you had forgotten about me! The picture you sent me was beautiful; I have hung it on my wall. Although, it's not as beautiful as you are.
I'm afraid I have Some of my cousins are coming to visit, and they would like to meet you. The thing is...they don't know you are Muggle-born, and as you probably know, they are pure-bloods. If it's not too much to ask, will you pretend to be pure-blooded? Just for a day or two? Anyway, I will be waiting at the train station for you when you arrive home. I miss you very much and love you so. See you soon!

Hermione furrowed her brow. Pretend to be a pure-blood? What did a pure-blood act like? She shrugged and reached for her pen and parchment and started a quick letter.
Of course I will! Anything for you. And it isn't too much to ask, just so you are aware. Love you!

She sealed it and sent it away with a snowy owl. She sat down on the edge of her bed and sighed. "I feel like I've done everything already, and I still have 2 weeks left!" She fell back on the bed and clicked on the television. After a couple of episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, she got up and ordered dinner. After dinner, she took a long shower and climbed under her quilt, her favorite book with her. She read for an hour before turning off the light and drifting off to sleep.

The law day of vacation was here. Hermione spent the day packing and watching television. By 8:00 a.m., she had her trunk packed and her packed as it could get. Her train left and 8:30, so she figured she should take a taxi and head down to the station. She got to the station at 8:20, so she sat on a bench and waited. It arrived 5 minutes late, but Hermione didn't care. She boarded the train car, put away her luggage, and prepared for the ride home. She spent the train ride reading and sleeping, so time seemed to go faster.

The train screeched to a stop, and Hermione stepped off, searching the crowd for Draco. She didn't see him, and he was her ride home! Suddenly, someone behind her snatched her bag and grasped her wrist. She gasped and spun around, right into Draco's lips. She relaxed and kissed him, not caring that people were staring at them.
He pulled away, brushing her hair out of her face. "I've missed you," he murmured.
She laid her head on his shoulder and embraced him. "I've missed you too."

On the taxi ride home, Hermione told Draco everything about her month in France. He listened intently, thinking about how much he loved and cared for this girl. Never let her go. His mother's words echoed in his mind. Narcissa had grown quite attached to Hermione overtime. I won't, he silently promised, lacing his fingers between Hermione's and getting lost in her sky-blue eyes.

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