Chapter 10

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Draco rolled over sleepily and looked at his alarm clock. The LED display read 8:30 a.m. He sat up and threw off the quilt, waking Hermione.
"What is it?" She asked, still half-asleep.
"I just remembered! My cousins are coming today and we have to be at the mansion at 9:30!" Draco told her, just a little panicked.
"What time is it now?" she mumbled, burrowing deeper into the warm comforter.
"It's 8:30!" Draco replied, stumbling out of bed and looking for his nice suit.
That got Hermione wide awake. "We've got less than an hour to get ready!" she realized, frantically digging through the closet for a dress.
"See now why I'm worried?" he smirked, only half-joking. Hermione found a dress and rushed into the bathroom to change.
Draco pulled off his shirt and replaced it with a white button-down. "'Mione, have you seen my tie?" he yelled through the bathroom door.
"Which one?" she yelled back. "The green and silver one!
"Mmm...look in the closet. There should be a box of ties and such on the top shelf."
Draco found it and rummaged through it until he found what he was looking for. "Thanks! You almost ready?" Right then Hermione opened the door and stepped out. Draco almost gasped out loud. She was wearing her periwinkle blue knee-length dress, and her hair was done up in an elegant half-bun. She had light blue eyeshadow on, and had baby blue flats on her feet.
"You look...gorgeous," he breathed.
She blushed. "Oh, this old thing?" She looked at him. "Time?"
"9:15. We'd better go. We'll take your car," Draco said, heading for the stairs.

They got into Hermione's blue Dodge Charger, Draco in the driver's seat. "Ready?" he asked.
"Let's go."
On the drive there, Hermione asked, "So...what do I do? When we are with your cousins, I mean."
Draco glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. "The main thing is, do not tell them you are a Muggle. Tell came from a rich pure-blooded family from London. Can you do that?"
She took a deep breath as they pulled into the mansion's driveway. "Yes I can."

Once inside, Draco introduced her to his cousins. He gestured to a tall, blonde, young man, about 16 or 17. "This is Clavius. Clavius, this is Hermione." Clavius smiled at her. She noticed it was the same half-smile that Draco would sometimes give her. She smiled back shyly. He was very handsome, she noted, then stopped herself. I have a boyfriend, she said to herself. Next was René, a 20 year old, with pinched features and blonde hair.
"Last but not least, Hendrick." Draco nodded to a shorter, but meaner looking man with a black suit and slicked back blonde hair.
Hermione smiled politely at them. "Nice to meet all of you." She looked around and accidentally met Clavius's blue eyes. She found herself wanting to kiss him, and even...She shook her head angrily.
"Alright there 'Mione?" Draco asked.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine," she replied. What is wrong with me?! This has never happened before! She pondered.
"Would you like to give Hermione a tour of the house? I need to run to Diagon Alley to pick up a few items," Draco said to Clavius.
He flashed a smile at Hermione. "I would be delighted," he said.
Hermione almost died. Damn it! How can I do this when he has such an attractive...everything? She thought, hating herself for feeling like this.
"This way, please, miss," Clavius swept his hand in front of him, indicating for Hermione to go first. To make herself feel better, she have Draco a quick kiss.
"Have fun," He said. "I'll be back in a bit." Hermione turned and followed Clavius into the hallway. He lead her upstairs and opened a door at the very end.
"Our first stop," he held the door as she entered...into a bedroom.
"Wh...what are we doing?" She already knew the answer.
"I think you know all too well what we...will be doing," Clavius whispered. Hermione's heart beat faster. Clavius was trying to seduce her!
And it's working bloody well, too, She thought grimly. She frowned. She did have the strange urge to do this, but she knew it was wrong. Oh, what the hell. You only live once, after all, She thought. But deep down, she knew she was betraying her lover.

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