Chapter 7

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"'Mione, come on! All the seats will be taken!" Harry yelled. Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed, turning away from Draco.
"You two go on without me! I'll be there in a minute!" she shouted back. Harry shrugged and went back into the train, Ginny following him. She turned back to Draco.
He smiled a small smile at her. "I'll miss you while you're in France," he whispered, his lips centimeters from hers.
"I'll miss you too," Hermione whispered back. "Don't worry, I'll write you whenever I can," she promised.
Draco closed his eyes. "Be sure that you do." Hermione tilted her head up slightly and his lips met hers in a soft but passionate kiss. They were interrupted by the train whistle, signifying that it was leaving. She pulled away and ran to where Harry and Ginny ha disappeared earlier. Draco followed her with longing eyes, then went over to his friends, entering the train car opposite of Hermione.
"Took you long enough," Pansy Parkinson scoffed.
Draco scowled, pushing past her.
"Shut up, Parkinson." Pansy glared after him silently.

Hermione found where Harry and Ginny were sitting and joined them.
"Excited for your trip to France?" Ginny asked cheerfully.
Hermione grinned. "Yep! And for a whole month!" she replied eagerly. "Do you have any plans?" she asked Ginny.
Ginny shrugged. "Not really. Probably just hanging out in various places with my friends," she said.
Hermione laughed. "I'll bring you back a souvenir," she told her.
Ginny shook her head and laughed. "Alright!" Ginny looked at her mischievously. "Any plans with..." she raised an eyebrow. "Draco?" she finished.
Hermione was blushing furiously. "Oh, I don't know. We might just hang out a bit, maybe come over to my place some, you know, purely," she finished helplessly. Ginny and Harry were both laughing.
"Right, 'Mione...for "fun"," Harry said, still laughing.
"Oh, you be quiet," Hermione scolded playfully.

Hermione sighed and dropped her luggage on her living room floor, exhausted. "It's good to be home," she said to herself. " to pack for France!" She dug out all of her clothes and threw them in the wash, then took out all her spell books, quills and ink and set them on their bookshelf. She got impatient waiting for the laundry, so she took it out and used magic to clean them. She carried everything to her bedroom and started repacking her trunk with jeans, shirts, and other necessities. She finished packing and glanced at her watch. "20 minutes to make it to the train," she mused. "I'll make it.

Hours later, she was in her hotel room, unpacking once again. "Ah, France! Finally here!" she exclaimed. "What to do first..." She decided to go downtown first and do some shopping, then maybe see the Eiffel Tower. She had a whole month, so there was no rush.

2 weeks passed quickly. Hermione was relaxing in her room when she remembered she hadn't written to Draco yet. She lept out of bed and found a pen and paper and started her letter.
Sorry I haven't written, I have been busy. France is absolutely wonderful, in case you were curious. I've seen the Eiffel Tower quite a few times; I have enclosed a picture I took. The food is spectacular! Maybe someday I will take you with me and we'll stay here for a while. I miss you terribly, but I'll be home in about 2 weeks. France is very romantic too, it is so very beautiful. I love you, see you soon!

She signed her name and sealed the letter. She had to take it to an owlery further away, as there were none where she was. She told the owl where to go, and it flrs off into the darkening Paris sky.

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