Chapter 17

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Hermione rolled over, still not fully awake, and almost fell off the bed. She yelped in surprise before Draco grabbed her and pulled her back on the bed.
Hermione adjusted herself to face him and said, "I think I should get up now, to avoid any incidents."
Draco laughed and replied, "Yes, and you also have a job."
"Oh no! I'm not late, am I?"
He shrugged. "Don't think so."
She hopped up and pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and and a tie-dye shirt and ran a comb through her bushy hair before sweeping it into a ponytail. She quickly tied her black Converse high-tops, sitting on the edge of the bed. Draco sat up and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her softly.
"Draco, not now. Work, remember? And don't you have a job to get to?"
He sighed in defeat. "I suppose you're right."
"Yes I am. I'll see you later." With that, she bolted downstairs and was gone.
Draco flopped back down, then convinced himself to get up for work. "At least I've got time to eat," he said to himself.

When Hermione entered the cafè, everyone went completely silent. She looked around, confused, then someone shouted, "Happy Birthday, Hermione!" The rest of the customers and staff joined in enthusiastically.
She blushed, not knowing what to say. "Oh! Um, thanks everybody!" she stammered.
One of her favorite co workers, Cristella, handed her a cup of coffee and said, "You can take the day off, if you want to."
Hermione frowned. "Are you sure? Looks like you're a bit...short-staffed," she said lamely.
Cristella waved her off. "Of course I'm sure! Now go enjoy yourself on your birthday."
Hermione drained her coffee mug and stood up, moving toward the door. "Thanks again!"
"Have a great day!" came the chorused reply.
"Indeed I will," she said to herself.

Hermione ended up going straight home. She went through the garage and was surprised to see colorful party decorations strewn over the kitchen and living room. She shut the door carefully and removed her shoes, walking about the room cautiously. "What is all this?" she wondered aloud. She heard a rustling noise come from behind the couch and went to investigate. But before she could, half a dozen people jumped up from various hiding places and shouted, "Surprise!"
Hermione shrieked and fell on the couch, startled. "A surprise party? Thanks guys!"
Draco went to the kitchen and brought out a large chocolate cake with white frosting.
"Mmm, my favorite!"
Everyone say around the dining room table and ate cake and drank Dr. Pepper, because that was Hermione's favorite drink.
"Well, that was really fun! Thanks a lot guys!" Hermione said again as they were leaving.
"You are very welcome! Have a great rest of your day!" Ginny said, embracing her warmly.
"You too! See you soon!"
Draco shut the door and grinned slyly. "You didn't think I had actually forgotten your special day, did you?"
Hermione blushed. "No...not really."
He raised his eyebrows. "Ready for bed?"
She took out her ponytail and looked at him. "You bet I am."

Draco woke to find Hermione's spot on the bed empty. He frowned, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and standing up. Hermione, hiding on the other side, peeked over the top and stood up slowly. She crawled on the bed and jumped on him, causing him to fall off.
"Oi!" He yelped, wrestling her off of him. "Get off, you! I have to go to work!"
She kissed him quickly. "Ok. Have fun!" she jumped up and disappeared downstairs.
He laughed to himself. "Sometimes I wonder if I married the right woman!"
"You did!" Hermione yelled from the kitchen.
"What the-!"
"Draco, I'm not deaf!"
"I know that, love!" He sprinted down the steps and opened the front door. "I'm off to work. See you later!"
"See you later. I'll probably be home," Hermione replied.
With that, he kissed her goodbye and left for work.

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