Mr. Breuer and I or David and I in my case have been seeing each other for a little while now its kind of fun, the whole sercet teacher and student affairs. He would write things on my tests in the corners on the inside pages saying 'you look nice today' or 'you've passed... at getting a guy like me'😂. We even had this routine we'd planned in order to get to see each other while class was going. He'd wink twice at me and I'd raise my hand to use the bathroom, and he'd call in a teacher to watch his class while he 'coincidentally' had to go too.
We only used it on rare occasions to keep suspicion away from us. We'd mostly just go out there and make out in the janitor's closet, but nothing more....
There was something about him that made it seem less wrong. The only thing I had regretted was the whole keeping the secrets from my closest friends. I wanted to tell them but it just never seemed to be the right time or I was to scared about what they might say or do.
I met up with Tiff and Z by the lockers. "Hey guys, do you think we should all go and take a visit to Aneika's? You know strength in numbers to get her outta the bed.""Already tried that once," Z said, showing us her broken nail. "That girls got some fight."
Just then that red headed girl named Cece walked by. She looked over at us and smiled, while talking to a cheerleader named Jaziya. Look who made a friend. "I wish she'd stop using that fight on us and use it on that hoe." I said. The first bell rang.
"See you guys." I walked down to my art class. Better known as my kingdom. Art was the best class out of the day, the one room of color in STEM high schools long gray colorless halls, and being that my favorite teacher (besides David) happens to be teaching the class helps.
Today's class was basically just wrapping up what we started painting from last time. We were supposed to paint something that inspires us to do better. I painted a picture of my friends and I because we all inspire each other. The bell rang."Alright ladies and gentlemen, please put your paint brushes in the sink to be wash, and Khari can I see you after class?" Mrs. Linares asked. Me? I hope she wasn't going to ask me to stay and help clean up.

Everyone shuffled and left the class.
"Yeah, you wanted to see me?" I said taking off my apron.
She came over to me with a stack of papers in her hand. "Here." She handed me a small brochure stapled to an application of some sort. "Its for the BSTA."
"Boarding school of the Arts." She smiled waiting for an answer.
"Boarding school?" I looked to see if she was serious, and finally I didn't see her face changing. "You think I should go to a boarding school?"
She adjusted her glasses. "Its not just a boarding school. Its a very prestigious school, its a chance for you to get a foot into the art world."
"Yeah, sure but why would they want me, there's probably over a thousand kids who have these, that are really good." I waved the application at her.
"Your just as good as any of them, even better with the right attitude."
Was I really good enough to be in this school, I mean people say my art is good but was it BSTA good? I looked at the brochure again, there was a few kids playing instruments, and a kid singing, and another painting. I've always wondered what it'd be like to go to a school where everyone's talented and smart. I thought back to the countless jocks we have here, and the dusted walls and old fashioned windows. Maybe I should at least fill out the application.
"All you'd have to do is write an essay about who Khari brown is, and what drew him to art. Then we'd submit one of your pieces." She smiled, seeing I was thinking of considering it.
"Ok I'll fill it out but only if you never ask me to stay and clean the brushes again." I put the stack of papers in my bag.
"Funny thing is, I was on the verge of asking you." She smiled and we both laughed at that. "Now get out I got some brushes to clean." She smiled.
I looked down at Mr Breuer/ David's face, he didn't look too happy. He took off his glasses and started rubbing at his temples. After I had gotten the paperwork from Mrs. Linares I came up here to tell David. I waited until his class was completely empty."Boarding school for artists?" He was talking to me like a parent would to a kid in trouble.
"Yeah, I thought it was crazy too bu-"
He cut in, his voice was harsh and intense, I could tell he was getting angry now. "Do you know how many undiscovered artists there are?" I stayed quiet cause I felt it was a rhetorical question. "91 percent, what makes you any different from them?"
I didn't say anything, I was trying to make sure he got it all out of his system.
Eventually he sighed and let me talk.
"I know your thinking about my future but it is my future. I atleast want to give it a shot before I completely just turn my back on the idea."
"But your not thinking everything through-"
It was my turn to cut him off now. "I know we'll cross those bridges; the application process, my parents, and the frien-"
"BUT WHAT ABOUT US, KHARI?" He was standing now. He sounded more hurt than angry. It was nice to know he cared.
"We'll still be together, promise." I put up my scouts honor sign. He paused for a long while just looking at me. Then he gave me a look that said 'fine'. I reached over and grabbed his hand, it was soft yet strong and firm. "Sometimes I just want my boyfriend, instead of teacher worried."
He pulled his hand away. "Boyfriend?"

I gave him a look.

"Ok I get it, you can hug and kiss me but when the word boyfriend pops up you wanna get all shady." I rolled my eyes. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of his room I heard him call my name but I swiftly made my way into the bathroom. I pulled out the application from my bag, and my phone.
The other line rang a couple of times when I made the call, I heard a click meaning someone picked up the line.
"Hello BSTA, what can I do for you." A ladies voice answered.
"Hi, I was wondering, how soon do you guys except applications."

Teen FictionFrom the incredibly hilarious, to the heart breaking sadness. This is the story of four high school friends and their walks of life. Follow these teens through this comidically dramatic series