Chapter 10: I Swear the Universe Conspires Against Me & Loves to See Me Suffer

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Ayee it lil'ole meh lol so its been awhile major writers block lately >.< any inspriation would help. Im going to have a new song & advertize a stroy on the chappy's. anyways dont forget to VOTE :) COMMENT :) && FAN :)!! && I want your input for the second date with Mason: shall it be 1. Carnival 2. Mini Golf  3. Maybe you have somethin let meh know! :)

Chapter 10 (Stephen's P.O.V)

I hear her heart at the top of the stairwell separating the living room and sleeping quarters for the pack. I was playing Black Ops with her so call date. Marissa told me to keep him entertained while they finished up with Nikcole upstairs. If it wasn't for her having my neck if i was rude i would have his after the way he looked at her after she came down the stairs. I saw him stand up when she finally stepped on the tile flooring. I turned to see her she wore a flowery outfit with her long ebony hair curled lightly bringing out her gorgeous hazel eyes. She was breathtaking even in a simple little outfit. I couldn't keep my eyes off her then she suddenly grabbed his arm and left quickly. Weird. I looked at Kari and Marissa in question cocking an eyebrow they just lifted and dropped their shoulders. "Back off Stephen she's not yours anymore." Marissa commented before she went up to her room on her phone. I looked at Kari. 

"What is she talking about?" I asked and she had ' dont act stupid i know' look on her face

"You ought to know shouldn't you? After all you were the one whom provoked this. It could have been different but there you go again making stupid ass excuses and mistakes and losing something precious to you even though you wont admit to yourself." She yelled at me.

"She told you didnt she?" I asked the obvious.

"She didn't have to, I'm your twin sister Stephen i noticed it the second she sat our lunch table you particaley super glued your eyes to her face."

"But she still told you didn't she?" i asked irratated

"Marissa and i had to force it out of her, she was beyond upset Stephen, how could you do this to her?" She asked voice soften.

"You wont understand.." i trailed off.

"Is this because of Skylar?"

" I'm going out for awhile" i ignored the question i so wasnt talking about this

"Stop ignoring the question Stephen." She was getting pissed again

"Later" I grabbed my car keys and was halfway to the door and she still hadn't said her last words.

"Stop running away from your problems Stephen they'll just come back and bite you in the ass all over again."

I shook my head she wouldn't understand. "I understand more than you think, remember inpath." 

Yeah a pain in the ass inpath.  I though irritated which ended with her flipping me the bird i seriously don't see what Chase shes in her. She looked  shocked i left before she could ask about Chase.I finally make it out the house and go towards my car and drive off in the direction i smelled Nikcole's direction. I gotta say i think Ive taken stalker to the next level. I  saw them buying their tickets and bought the same. I followed them in and sat a few seats down and pulled up my Hood eating my popcorn. The movie was funny but lame for a first date. When the movie was over. They went to an ice cream shoppe and i followed them there too.

I got cheesecake ice cream and sat 4 booths down listening in. They talked about a turtle named buster? I didn't  pay much attention to his answers to her questions only her answers. Her favorite color was teal, she loves Italian food, favorite animal is a white tiger, and favorite flower were white lilies.I couldn't help myself when i growled a couple times and i know she heard me i could read her thought but somehow she managed to block out some of them so it was like trying to read a book with missing sentences all over the place.

At least my time was worth something i got to learn stuff about her. They left and lingered about 10 minutes. I finally went home to find them on porch she saw me i could feel it. They were talking but i blocked them out not wanting to know i just wanted to get inside. I watched her the whole time taking in her natural beauty and scent. She smelt of tropical fruits and mangoes. It was mouthwatering. And just when my day could get any worse she kissed him. Right there in front of my face i growled fiercely she had her eyes open them seemed hurt as see stared right at me. She pulled away and i got in my car and drove i don't know where the hell i was going but i had to leave before i did something stupid like Kari had said. I'm the one who left her i have nothing to claim, I was the one whom gave her up.

Watcha think ahhh jealousey that lil' green monster! Where is Stephen off to? What happened with Skylar? muahaha questions to be answered in the next chappy dont stop readin' :)


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