Chapter 13: Forest Encounter

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Okayy soo the winter formal is almost here! lol On with the chappy! :)

Chapter ? (Nikcole's P.O.V)

I sighed as i rode in my car all this drama and unknowing is really getting to me now its been 6 days since i the new kids came and all this confusion and weird behavior has started. Kari doesn't speak much and looks like she's on the edge of breaking down, Stephen hasn't gone to school in 4 days and I'm really getting worried for them both, but Stephen worries me the most i haven't seen him in days my wolf cries for him and its hard to calm her down she fights with me when I'm with Mason because he isn't my mate.

I finally turn into the gated community i smile at Charles the gate attendant. I'm usual so i don't need appointments when I visit. He let me through and I'm torn with wanting to see who's inside beside Marissa and Kari wishing yet dreading that he might be there, as i drive to the last house down the street. Because Mason was currently my boyfriend he was escort the winter formal tom morrow night. I staying over at Marissa and Kari's tonight so we can plan what we'll do tomorrow for formal and we need to advance on the 'plan' which ive totally forgotten about actually,

Stop it Niki you now your procrastinating from going inside so do it now! My wolf cried at me since i was sitting in the car ,she was hoping we would get a glimpse of him tonight at least to smell that woodsy smell that makes me want hold him close and never let go. I turned off the radio that was in the background the dash read 10:30.

I sigh as i walk out of my car and walk slowly towards the enormous house i stood about five feet away from the porch and stairs leading to the door and decide to text Kari letting her know ima be a little late. i leave my bag and sleepover stuff in my car i only took my phone& keys and locked the car. I walk into the woods beside the Wiltmore house which was at the end of the gated community they owned a ton of forest land. I found a tree made sure no one was around when i shift. i stripped down and shifted. I felt my bones crack because i haven't shifted in awhile because my wolf takes over me. I took my clothes in my mouth carefully and sprinted further into the woods feeling the wind in my fur. 

I stopped after 30 minutes of continuous running I saw there was a clearing about 2 yards away and i walked towards it. I dropped my clothes near a tree and walked forward, I smelt him half a second before i saw him he was sitting by a small creek  looking at the crescent moon whimpering. I was driven towards him i tried to hold back knowing he didn't want me near but I'm wolf thought other wise and starting walking towards him. I'm surprised he hasn't heard me or he decided to let me get near but I'm not sure. As soon as i think he's going to let me near, he has me pinned down on my back his front paws pressed against my white chest  bearing his teeth at me. i felt shocks as his paws were pressed against me,I whimpered as i feared he might actually hurt me. I saw his eyes widen in realization.

I'm sorry, i didn't know it was you. He spoke through the mind link, as he removed himself away from me.

How? i thought you could smell me.. i responded.

 You reek of Mason, i couldn't exactly smell your scent completely.  He said in a hard voice, eyes turning dark. I winced.

What are you doing here?  We both asked simultaneously. I giggled mentally at the coincidence, he just looked at me intently. I guess i was the only one whom thought it was funny... No one spoke and since i have a dislike of awkward silences i first to break it.

Well?  I asked impatiently.

 Shouldn't i be asking that since i am your alpha and this is my land after all, at my house? He said in his alpha authority. Shit. I frowned mentally he was right.

Right i'll be going then, I apologize for the disrespect alpha.  I turned toward the direction I smelt my clothes. Then he was right in front of me. I cocked my head the side wondering what he was doing.

I didn't mean it like that you can stay these woods are as much yours as mine well since your part of the pack of course..  He stuttered looking away at the moon.

  I looked at the moon wondering what he saw, Then i turned to him as he was already looking at me.

Do you want me to stay?  I asked looking for his reaction, wondering if he felt this huge pull like i did.

 Like i said these woods are as much yours as me and any other pack member. He repeated looking down wiping his paw againt the lush green grass while taking a few steps back.

I know what you said, but like i also said do you Stephen, want me to stay?  I said this as i stepped forward the steps he took back now right in front of his face.

I could hear his heartbeat at our proximity. I smiled to myself mentally he still felt every bit of it as much as i did. 

Do as you wish. He said and i watched him walk back to the creek and stared at it. I turned and walked towards the woods when he whispered:

But I wouldn't mind if you stayed..  I looked back at him and  he was about a yard away. I walked towards my clothes to change and made sure he didn't see. I walked back to find him in the same exact spot i saw him last. I walked slow and intently toward him, trying not make him regret his decision. I was right in front of him and i bent down and slowly raised my hand to his head to stroke his soft looking. He leaned his head against my hand and i smiled. He was so tall he reached my 5'5 and could see me at eye level. I sat there stroking his fur sitting indian style beside him as we sat down. I eventually i layed against his side stroking his rough soft fur that was black as onyx. He he spoke after awhile of comfortable silence.

I'm sorry.. He thought.

"For what?" i asked aloud as i was lying on his side snuggled into his stroking him slowly looking at the moon still wondering what he found interesting of it, yawing because it was late.

For everything.. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion i had and turned to look at him as he raised his head from his paws.

"What exactly?" I asked quietly "And why have you been acting weird lately? What aren't you around anymore? I said curiously. He looked at me and i layed my head back on his side. I wanted my questions answered. He turned to look at me. I was yawing it was late and  i was falling asleep i wondered how long Ive been out here. I felt my eyes lids getting heavier and heavier as i waited for the answers that never came, and I was drifting to sleep

I wont let you get hurt, I promise. We'll be together someday that i swear. I think he said it more to himself than to me, but didn't know if i was dreaming or not but those words real or dream they gave me comfort and i smiled in my sleep. dreaming of a little girl with ebony curly locks with a beautiful simpled smile with green eyes so familiar.

Awhhhh there finally talking again! lol How sweet hope yuh guys like Stephen alil more now.


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