Chapter 16: A Dark Place

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Nikicole's (P.O.V.)

I woke up unable to see anything but the slight blueness that assumed was the cloth to keep me from seeing where i was. My throat was dry and i bet if i tried to speak dust would come out with horrible coughing. I don't know how long ive been here i just remember things in between like being carried and having that God awful smelling rag held to my face to make me unconscious time and time again. I struggles to get up from my side. The side of face was becoming numb so i had been here for awhile. I wiggled but my wrists and ankles were tied. The floor felt dirty i felt dirt and cold tile underneath and the entire room was freezing and i was still in my formal gown.

"Skylar its been two days what the hell are we going to do with her?!" I could hear Tyler through the walls of the room sounding enraged. Ive been here two days?!

"Shut up stupid someone could hear you!! Have you knocked her out again yet? I cant risk you accidentally giving away our location being the dumass you are." It was Skylar speaking i could barley hear her voice traveling through the walls since Tyler was yelling it was clearer, i strained my ears more and tried to scoot closer the direction of the voices. i swear ima get that bitch back. Who the hell kidnaps people like that?!

"Yeah yeah i'll go dose her up but should we give her food? She could die you know."

"Yeah lets go buy something at the Seven Eleven nearby i don't want my leverage to die out on me its the only thing that'll get him back." I heard a chair draw back against the floor and footsteps fading up a staircase i assumed. Then the lightest sound of a door closing up above my head. 

All my senses were fully awake. Besides the sry throat i felt dirty and my neck hurt probably due to the lack of pillow hospitality around here. I started to look for a way out like any other kidnapping victim. I could barley sit up much less attempt to escape blinded and crippled by rope. I attempted to put my weight into the wall and hoist myself up but by the time i got up to my waist i'd slepp and fall right back down on my butt. Which hurt.ALOT. I started feel something.. no SOMEONE inside my head trying to break through. I thought it was Skylar knowing her inoffensive gift so i pushed it back.

I heard some something above my head and i knew THEY were back. Not five minutes later tyler came bursting in the door with a sandwitch and a can of soda and squated down beside me dangling the delcious food infront of me as i straved.

"Looky here im going to untie you so you can eat because im nice but if you try something you will be sorry." He said threateningly.

"Do we have a deal?" He asked cocking an eyebrow at me. I just nodded my throat was dry as a bone and i knew i could speak even if i tried. He started to untie my hands and feet i felt the blood rush through my veins so fast it hurt. I rubbed them they were red because of the rope burn. I eargly went for my sandwich and dug in not remembering the last time i ate and a ham sandwich tasted so good. I popped the soda open and chugged a quart of it down my thirst being quenched. Then i started to feel self conscience with Tyler looking at me eat i blush i probably looking a pig as i ate.

" I dont get it." He said randomly. I looked up at him and attemped to speak.

"What?" I croaked out. I tried to clear my throat.

" Why would he reject YOU. Is he damn blind?" I blushed as i realized he complemented me. I turn away and i saw the door open and Tyler was on the other side of the room at the corner. But he words from earlier echoed in my ears.Screw it. I made a run for the door but before i could make it thorough the doorway he tackled me down and i was under him. He pulled me from under him and he was about to slap me across the face i turned and waited for what never came. Skylar was at the doorway.

"What hit her!" Tyler looked at his sister and hesitated and didn't hit me. Skylar was furious she pushed him aside and hit me across the face, it stung and i could feel the throbbing hand print on my face. She threw me onto the ground and walked off with the click of her leather heeled boots.I felt the tears stinging at my eyes. I looked at Tyler his aura was nswirling with pink and orange with sypathy and infactuation maybe i can escape this place.


Sorry for the long wait my loves!! Hope yuh enjoyed this short cahppie more to come promise!


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