Chapter 1: Moving? Oh Joy..

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  • Dedicated to I will dedicate my next chapter to the first commenter!! :)

Okay my first story ever Kay i really appreciate if your reading this :) Just give it a chance & tell me wat i could do better :)

Preface (Filler)

I took a last look at my house. Correction old house. This is were i grew up since i was three and now were leaving it behind as if it was nothing just because we needed to move to a safer bigger pack in California. I was thinking of some of my favorite childhood memories when my mom calls out "Nikcole!" We need to get to the airport or we'll be late. I locked the door and looked behind me one more time, I leave behind my beloved Colorado.

Chapter One  (Nikcole's P.O.V.)

I listened to my my iPod the whole flight if it wasn't that i'd read. It was only a two to three hour flight from Colorado to California. As i saw that we left Colorado i cried myself to sleep.

**Flight Over**

After we got the rental car we went to over new house by the woods thank god my father picked this kind of location i adore my woods. I walked into the 3 storied house wanting to claim the best room before my brother Jared.  I went up to the second stories & called dibs on the the room with the balcony i loved it the movers had already put all our boxes in different rooms thankful not in mine yet i want to paint it first.

After two hours of painting & complaining to myself about the paint in my hair, i decide to check out the woods i would be running in i told Jared to set up my bed while i was gone he was the only one that knew about me sneaking out. I climbed down the balcony onto the trashcan and jumped on to the pavement in the backyard. I found a tall tree and put my clothes on a tall branch, then i shifted and clawed at the tree to remember which one it was. I took off into the wild green. i loved running the thrill of it the feeling of being free. It was when i didn't have to think it was a time i could just run my paws against the damp earth. I got thirsty so i sniffed the air for a water source. There was a small water brook about four miles northeast.

A soon as i took a drink i hear something by a tree i perked my ears up hoping to hear the sound of paws or a heartbeat. i turned to my left and there he was. He was obviously male he looked about two feet taller than me and more muscular looking than my lean wolf. He was black as night and his eyes were a golden yellow unlike my wolf im the color of smokey ash with dark grey streaks on my back that faded into white at my paws & my eyes were the color of a pale blue, much different from my melted hazel human color. Usually wolfs kep there human color but some wolfs dont for some strange reason. I just looked at him not moving a muscle i was probably on pack land and my father wasn't taking to the alpha of out arrival till tomorrow.

I  put my head down on my paws as a sign of peace before he could get territorial. He just cocked his head to the side and kept looking at me. He started to walk towards me slowly and cautiously not wanting to scare me. I kept still until he  was about 10 feet away i felt different yet not i felt like i found something i lost i felt a .. pull towards him for some reason. My wolf cried 'Mate'. I was snapped out of this trance when the sunlight then hit my face and  i realized I've been out for hours and late for dinner. I looked at him one more time before i took off into the woods.

I heard him follow me but when i was almost to the tree that contained my clothes i didn't hear much since i has shifted back human my senses were a little duller. I look around and strained to heartbeat came short there wasn't much i could see or hear. I jumped on the trash can and climbed up onto the balcony. Just before i closed the the curtains on the glass doors of the balcony i looked once more i could have sworn i saw someone there. I showered and changed into shorts and a tank to sleep in without dinner i was too exhausted. My thoughts revolved around the wolf from the water brook who was he? Will i see him again? These were my last thoughts before i gave into the blackness as i dreamt of the wolf from the water brook.

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