Chapter 15: Winter Formal

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Chapter 15: (Nikcole's P.O.V)

Hit that VOTE button if you tink Alex Pettiffer is HOT(: lmao COMMENT&&FANN!!(:

I was STILL sitting in Kari's vanity chair after THREE hours and hear i thought it was going to be fast it was just makeup and hair! Try telling her that so the person i am i did only to be glared at and given a lecture about patience that beautification takes time and a little pain. Little pain my ass she has tugged on my hair so much i believe i my bald or my scalp has eternal bleeding. Diana had come over and was doing my make up and Marissa did my nails which have been done for awhile now. Diana had already done Marissa's make up and nails and Marissa had done hers. Diana was about to do Marissa's hair because hers was done, i wished they had done my hair instead of Kari this child was trying to kill me!

"Owwwwwww!! Kari stop pulling my hair so damn much!" I yelled at her, the words ive repeated for the past three hours.

"Shut up! Beautyfication takes time Nikcole besides, I'm almost done,  " She stated as she finished up doing my hair. 

"You said that fourty minutes ago!!" i yelled gasping in pain.

"Done." Kari chipped obviously satisfied with her work.

"Thank you God above!." I sighed. My curiosity was burning I wondered how i looked. I wasn't allowed to look while they worked on me, they even hid all the mirrors and covered the vanity mirror with a blanket so i couldn't see, Kari insisted i wait for the final product.

"Now put on your dress!" I got out of the vanity chairs and fell right back down, i couldn't feel my legs! I finally could get up and went into the bathroom to change into my dress. I stripped down and slid on my dress i loved it so much it flowed in a way that made it shimmer. I left the bathroom to find the mirrors that Kari, Marissa and Diana hid from me and got a good look. I looked like myself yet i didn't i knew it was soo cliche but i actually looked pretty, not i that i didn't before but i was never consisted of my looks i got complements here and there but never really thought too much of them.

 I touched my face astounded Kari did all of this. My long ebony hair was curled and half was up and it was held together by a golden broach that matched my hair. My eyes were outlined in black with a tiny hint of golden shadow on my eyelids making the green specks in my eyes pop out, my curly lashes were fuller and thicker due to the mascara i loved it completely simple yet elegant. I hugged Kari and Diana thanking them immensely.

"Thank you, thank you please no flash photography." Kari stated. i rolled my eyes.

"No need to be cocky Kari."

"Oh shut up you look amazing thanks to moi." Kari still complementing her work, using her limited high school French.

 We finally finished and honestly we looked hot! We all did our final touches to our outfits an makeup and finally went downstairs our dates were waiting impatiently. I frowned as i remembered the other day i found out that Stephen was going with Diana because he dumped Savannah awhile back. She was ecstatic when she told us and i tried to keep calm the whole time, Kari and Marissa kept giving me sympathetic looks when she went on and on. I flashed back to reality shaking my head putting my best smile on for Mason. I was the last one to descend the stairwell since i had gotten lost in my thoughts. I smiled as i saw Mason, my wolf whimpering and got excited when she saw Stephen looking handsome with his black tux and dark red tie matching Diana's dress making his green eyes pop. They  instantly locked with mine when i looked at him.

I pried my eyes away and walked over to Mason, holding in the my wolf as Diana walked up to him and hugged him as he gave her the rose corsage. Mason gave me mine, it was a lily corsage.

"You remembered." A smile evident in my voice.

"Of course." He smiled at me warmly it was sweet but it was off.. it  wasn't Stephen's. I looked back at him and Diana and was looking at me whilst Diana was chatting among the rest of the group his eyes were angered and sad. The memories from the forest came back to remembering how sweet he was when i brought me back to his house and slept on the floor so i could sleep on his bed. I smiled at him. He looked shocked and look behind himself t make sure it was directed at him, he saw no one was behind him and i giggle at his silliness and him smiled back i felt my heart skip a beat. Sure i had a hell of alott to explain to Kari and Marissa when they came into the room and found me and him together on the bed sleeping we got cold water dumped on us. But to be honest getting sick for two days was worth it but it wasn't like I'm going to tell them that.

"Niki your spacing out." Mason chuckled.

"Oh sorry., come on lets go." We all started exiting the WIltmore house and into the limo the guys rented for the night. I was the first to go inside it was fully stocked a little mini disco ball shining all over the red velvet covered seats. The ride was loud and all the girls were excited, as juniors this was our first Winter Formal except for some of the guys whom where seniors.We parked outside the place the Formal was being held and we all unloaded front he limo freezing in our dresses and tuxes and ran for the entrance as fast as our heels would let us as the guys walked with us. We entered the grand ballroom it was decorated in winter land theme. There were crystal snowflakes hanging from the ceiling, icy blue tables around, it was the most elegant formal they had at Rothvalley according to what Kari and Marissa told me. We all sat down at the table and no more then 20 minutes later we were already drinking (Jace spiked the punch of course), dancing all over the dance floor laughing and enjoying ourselves. An hour passes and it was getting hot because more people had arrived earlier. I left our little group going outside to get some fresh air. It was nice outside a slight breeze in the night air and peaceful. I closed my eyes as a small breeze blew against my hot body.

I felt something approaching behind me, i smelt a deep musky scent with a sharp too-sweet floral smell. i turned around to find Skylar and her twin brother outside. I took a step back almost falling when i stumbled on my heels. I saw their black and red auras and  i saw it coming a moment to late.

"Grab her." Skylar instructed.

Tyler put both of my arms behind me and restrained them in one of his while the other covered my mouth with his other. I fought back elbowing him in the stomach making him pull on my arms to cause me pain. He tied my arms in rope dragging me to a car as a struggle to get away. I tried to scream for help but in the middle of my cries  Skylar slapped me hard against my face, my cheek now dinging.

"Ive come back for whats rightfully mine Nikcole dear, and your not about to interfere."

"What are you taking about?" I asked her this crazy bitch was kidnapping me for no damn reason for crying out loud!

"Stephen is all mine." She seethed as if i was too stupid to understand.

"Have him i don't want him." I spat at her still fighting to get free.

"But you see darling your a liability, in the way of what i want. I have to keep you as leverage or he wont take me back, well not after what i did to his family." She smirked her silver looking eyes making her look like the devil she is.

"i would gladly die, no one could ever put up with a sick bitch like you." I spat at her. She slapped me again, i felt the hand print throbbing as it turned red. I sucked in a breath as I felt the hot tears falling down my face, my body going weak and my eye lids becoming heavier as Tyler  pressed a horrible smelling rag to my face. I was trying to scream for help as i was being dragged across the big parking lott. I saw someone coming out of the building.

"Help!!" I cried hoping they could hear me. Their head turned as i was shoved into the backseat and Skylar started the car. I saw the figure running after us i saw the pair of golden glowing eyes before Tyler held an awful smelling rag to my face in the backseat, those eyes were the last thing i saw before i blacked out into inconscienceness.

 Sorry guys MAJOR writers block like no lie! Ik ik this chappie sucks:/ butt aye its an upload! Well until next time my loves!


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