Chapter 12: Unwanted Memories

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Yuh's guys idk if i should continue.. i feel like its dragging on and people arent interested anymore :/ I might finish it buht im not sure yet. Enough ranting on with the next Chappie.

Chapter (Nikicole's P.O.V.)

So its finally official I'm going out with Mason. I do really like him but once Stephen comes with range everything come back the heartbreak, the reject, the tears, and most of all the overwhelming feelings. I dreaded the beginning of the day and lunch everyday. I walk hand in hand with Mason towards the regular spot in the morning by the lockers. 

"Are you okay babe?" Mason asked me concerned i zone out alott lately. I look up into his pale blue eyes underneath his scrunched up eyebrows in concern.

"I fine." I smile reassuring myself more then him.

"You sure?" 

"I'm sure." I smiled as he kissed my cheek and i blushed. I heard a mental low growl since we already approached the group. Back off. I thought. Whatever. Isn't he just the sweetest? NOT. You'd think he'll let me be but no he just goes and gives his opinion on everything. We talked and laughed about the weekend about some party and Jace got wasted and ended up at Wal-Mart hugging a carton of eggs and it takes a hell of alot of alcohol to make a werewolf drunk. Don't ask. Then the bell rang and Mason walked me to my class and kissed me goodbye and he left and looked back and smiled at me i couldn't help but smile back that was enough to hopefully make it through first period. I go into first period to find a furious Stephen fists clenched and eyes turning dark like when he's beyond mad. 

I was torn between his emotions that i felt through him in our small bond the smirk that was on my face. Im a great believer in karma and guess what Stephen it's come back to bite you in the ass. He looked up at me his eyes slowing going from black to gold to a shimmery green and all of a sudden he turned to glare at the door eyes black again. I follow his gaze feeling sorry for the person receiving it. I see a slender pale blond entering the classroom followed by a similar looking boy that was taller. They gave their slips to Mr. Barnes. I turned to Stephen, his eyes turned pitch black again. If looks could kill..

"Class please welcome our two new students, Skylar and Tyler." Mr.Barnes announced.

I saw all the pink lustful auras coming from the guys except Ryder and Stephen and red and green ones of anger and jealously coming from the school sluts. I wonder why Ryder wasn't affected.. The blond was assigned the seat right behind me. My seat was a row down from Stephen and i was between Ryder and  Diana. I saw Kari and Stephen's auras turn into flames. Kari tried hard to compose herself and calmed down a little but Stephen lost it completely and ask to be excused to the facilities. He stormed out the room not before looking at me in pain and glared at the someone behind me. I turn to see the new girl so called Skylar smirk. I cocked an eyebrow at Kari across the room she just shook her head and didn't look at me.

What the was that about?!


The rest of the day was pretty weird Kari and Stephen wouldn't do much than try to smile and nod at the correct times at lunch. Marissa was acting like herselfl she probably didn't know what was going on at with her siblings.I didnt bother to ask them what was going on I'd ask Kari soon enough. We were at the mall looking for our Winter Formal dresses it was in a week and Kari was trying to keep her excitement going even with what happened this morning.

"How about this one Kari?" Marisa asked for the tenth billionth time.

" Hell to the no! No pink on you Marissa!" Kari lectured her. I barley heard this as i couldn't forget this mornings events. Whats up with Kari and Stephen? What up with this new chick at school?  

"NIKCOLE!!" Kari yelled into my ear. I fell off the stool i was sitting on.

"OWWWW!! What?!" i howled in pain i hit my head on the side of the table holding magazines.

"Stop." was all Kari said. As she made sure no one heard

"Stop what?" I asked confused. As i rubbed my side watching Marissa walking off somewhere.

"You know what, so stop your not going to find out  unless he tells you." She stated  "So stop." She whispered to me as Marissa was somewhere looking for a dress.

"Why?" i challenged her standing up intimidating her begin slightly taller. She glared at me.

"You'll only make it that much harder and difficult" She whispered sadly i could see tears forming at the brim of her eyes her aura turning  a sea blue grey.  I hugged her, i felt her emotion radiating off her. I heard Marissa's vans coming close by the sound they made on the tiled floor, Kari pulled away and composed herself before Marissa saw her.

"EEEEEEEEPPPP!!. Marissa cried as she ran towards us with a black dress in her hands.

"I found it!! Look it look it!! She shrieked excitedly. It was a beautiful black princess tyle dress with crystals at the bust fading towards the bottom definitely Marissa.We finally found our perfect dresses after two more hours, mine was gold with a sparkly bust and was slightly princess looking. Kari got a pretty white dress with sky blue designs in princess style, i wasn't gonna lie our dresses were kick-ass.I kept think about what happened before in the dress shop. I have never seen Kari upset, hell i didn't know she could nearly breakdown Kari was one of the strongest people i knew and her she was almost breaking down in front of me. What happened? I don't know what but i will find out.

SO what do yuh tink happened?? We'll yuh'll juss hav to wait :) MIght updates later perhaps :)


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