Chapter 5: Meeting at the Jerk's House

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Chapter 5 (NIkcole's P.O.V.)

 A/N: im really sorry guys i had some difficulties with the internet so i couldnt upload :/ buht i did so yay! This chapp is kinda borin' cuz' its a filler it needed to be done thanks so much for adding this story to your reading list and fanning! i reallys apperciate it! Well anyways enough of ranting!

I cried for what i felt was hours. I got a text from my mother asking were I was, and i said i was on my way. I didn't want to go see the alpha anymore all  wanted was to get home throw on some sweats and a tank and eat some cupcakes they always made me feel better. I was at my car now all throughout the ride home my mind kept replaying the scene in the woods over and over even the music blasting out to couldnt keep my mind off the whole situation.

I got ready quickly as soon as i got home took a quick shower and threw on some tan boots, skinnys and a peach colored hoodie. I didnt have time to do anything with my hair so  i let it wave up like it does naturally. We all got into the car. I told my mom i got held up at school because I had some textbooks to pick up. She bought it and didn't push it. All throughout the ride i listened to my ipod. I couldn't get his face out of my mind. I blinked back the tears as we parked nearby a huge mansion obviously the pack house their always huge, most of the pack members as well as any perter to live in the pack house to be nearby at any situation or attack.

We were all greeted by a middle aged man and a woman. " Hello im John and this is my wife Veronica. Welcome to our home and your new pack house." The man said kindly and his wife smiled kind heartily. He had authority radiating from him he is the alpha. There was something about him he looked fam- "Nikcole." i realized i was being introduced. "Hello I'm Nikcole." I smiled. "Such a beautiful young laddie." said Veronica as she shook my hand. "Thank you." "Well don't be strangers its cold out so come on in." John said. Well all came in they discussed the boundary lines, enemies, pack, meetings anything to do with the pack you got it. I put on my headphone halfway through i get so bored with this kind of stuff. I was playing angry birds when i felt a strong presence in front of me.  I paused my music to hear a familiar deep husky voice. I didn't need to look up to see whom it was. I hit play and kept playing angry birds, i thanked god I had my hood up.

To my dismay he was greeting everyone. I don't know why but the universe just hates me. What did i ever do it? NOTHING! I saw a big hand infront of my face and there he was in all his glory. I watched as recognition hit him as to whom i was. "Nikcole" i smiled. " You are?" He wiped all emotion off his face like a flip of a switch.  "S-stephen. Stephen Wiltmore." "Nice to meet you Stephen." I shot him my signature smile. "You too." Again he mumbled under his breath loud enough for me to hear. He seated him self on the same couch as me since there were no more seats but he was at the very edge.

We had dinner with he Wiltmore's. I was seated directly in front of Stephen. Again i question the universe it despies me to no end. At least i was sitting next to Marissa and Kari was on the other side of me.. We talked all throughout dinner laughing and giggle at one another. As much as i laughed I felt the need to be with him. Even though we weren't that far apart I felt there was an ocean between us that kept stretching further and further. I felt the need to be by his side, hug him and kiss him like threres no tomorrow. But i couldn't because he didn't want me. Stop it Niki dont let him get to you you'll get him back.

That thought let me make it through the dinner without the slighest upset. We were outside on the porch while my father kept taking to John i think their going to be great friends. My mother went to fetch my brother Jared he was out playing football with the Wiltmore's youngest son Jake. I was admiring the moon when a shadow on the second floor caught my eye. I tall figure was standing there at the second window. It wasn't till i saw the slight glow of golden eyes till i recognized him. I looked away i wont let him get to me i told myself I'll make him feel the way i did when he rejected me. "Nikcole come on were leaving." my mother interupted my thoughts. "Coming." i yelled over my shoulder.

 I looked back to the window to find it empty. I knew his reasons for not wanting me but they don't make sense just by the way he looks at me and smiles when i blush. It doesn't matter he'll regret that decision. I'll make him want me more than that slut his claims as his 'girlfriend'. For now that is because i know he wants me as much as i want him but something is in the way and i am going to make sure to remove that because nothing is going to keep him from me.

Dont forget to...


FAN :)



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