Chapter 14: My Angel From the Forest

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Chapter 14 (Stephen's P.O.V.)

Its been days that i have left my family, pack, friends, and most importantly my Nikcole. Even though im the one who rejected her i still think of her as mine. Im in the deepest of lands almost near Oregon, and Colorado and i got permission from other alpha's if i was to enter their territory. It been more than three days i know that much. I haven't shifted to my human form since i left my house those days ago, i feel more animal then human no trying not to feel anything. Thinking of how im going to get rid of my problem with Skylar and her father who no doubt wants us to marry all Alpha James has ever loved was power nothing else mattered to him. He would remove anything and anyone to get to it even his own family. That probably explains why Skylar and Tyler are here trying to make us join packs since we are tied in power but as sound as my father steps down we will be the strongest. But he wont step down until i have claimed my mate and our Luna. Nikcole.

I look at the moon, my Luna how i miss her as sappy as that sounds. I look at the moon because it reminds me of her hazel eyes that always held the sincerity and shine of the beautiful moon. Nicole.She's in my mind, thoughts, dreams. I had already starting running my wolf knowing where we were going before i did. I ran through all the forest i ran to get here seeing and smelling their different scents of Redwood, Oak, Pine, Cedar and my favorite Maple that smelled sweet.

After a couple of hours i made it back i was near our land of woods. A couple minutes later i was by a small creek. I smelled to check if it was clean enough to drink and drank the fresh creek water. After a good long drink i looked back at the moon reminding me of my Nikcole. I heard something behind me in the woods to my flank.

  I let the wolf come near me, i couldn't catch a scent because of the wind blowing it in the other direction. As soon as it's near i jump on top of the wolf pinning it down. I heard a whimper beneath me and i caught a whiff of Nikcole's scent. 

I'm sorry, i didn't know it was you.  I spoke through the mind link, and moved away from her giving her room.

How? i thought you could smell me.. She asked me confused

 You reek of Mason, i couldn't exactly smell your scent completely.  I told her in a hard voice, feeling my rage come up, i heard her wince.

What are you doing here?  We both asked simultaneously. She giggled mentally at the coincidence, her giggles sounding like tinkling chimes hitting against each other. I just looked at her admiring her wolf. She was tan with greys and white paws, she was one of a kind. She stopped her giggles shortly afterwards and it was quiet and before i could she broke it.

Well?  she asked impatiently.

 Shouldn't i be asking that since i am your alpha and this is my land after all, at my house? I asked her still in authority forgetting who she was. I didn't realize how demanding i sounded until i thought of it.

Right i'll be going then, I apologize for the disrespect alpha.  She turned around  and sniffed the air before i realized what i was doing i was already in-front of her my wolf not wanting her to leave our side. She cocked her head the side in obvious curiosity.

I didn't mean it like that you can stay these woods are as much yours as mine well since your part of the pack of course.. I stuttered out looking away at the sky.

 She looked at the sky as well. I looked at her look at the sky as she turned back to look at me.

Do you want me to stay? She took me by surprise i expected a smart remark from her.

 Like i said these woods are as much yours as me and any other pack member. i repeated not knowing what to say or do i started looking down wiping some dirt off my paw against grass and i took a few steps back wanting to give her space.

I know what you said, but like i also said do you Stephen, want me to stay?  She asked this of me as she gained back the steps i  had withdrawn.

My heart thudded at the proximity as i thought of a response. 

Do as you wish. I told her as i walked back to the creek and looked at the moon in the waters refection.i heard her turn towards the woods and i cracked i didn't want her to leave so i quietly whispered:

But I wouldn't mind if you stayed..  She looked back at me and kept walking into the woods. She came back and still hadn't moved she came back in human form she had changed in the woods. She walked slow and intently toward me as if she'd scare me away. She was inches from me and she slowly bent down and slowly raised her hand to stroke her hand across my head. I leaned my head against her small hands as the sparks went down my spine. She sat with her legs crossed against each other and kept stroking my fur so i layed down by her side. After awhile she  layed against my side stroking his my fur. I decided to speak after  awhile of comfortable silence.

I'm sorry..   I thought.

"For what?" She asked aloud as she snuggled deeper into my fur stroking me gently looking at the sky and yawing.

For everything.. I told her. She had turned around and looked confused as to why i was apologizing. I raised my head to look at her better.

"What exactly?" She asked quietly "And why have you been acting weird lately? What aren't you around anymore? She kept asking one question after another. I just looked at her and layed her head back on my side. I turned to her i wanted to answer all her question but it was too much Ive tried to forget all of that past.She was yawing again i felt her sleepiness, her eyelids dropping.

I wont let you get hurt, I promise. We'll be together someday that i swear. I promised this not only to her but to myself. I heard her heart beat and her breathing slow down as she fell asleep peacefully. I looked at her smiling in her sleep. I will get her back because one day she will be mine, that i swear.

COMMENT FAN && VOTE!!(:I might upload another chappie in the next two days or so sorry for the long wait!! :)


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