Part Five: The Plan

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Jim glared at the newspaper crowding his desk, its headline provoking a feeling of both unease and failure.


The Arkham incident had only occurred the day before, and the GCPD was swarmed with journalists and more officers than usual. In reality, no one could argue that their presence was unjustified; this was the largest scandal to take place in Gotham since the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Jim just thought that the large concentration of people was only worsening the situation and prevented the cops from doing their job. In the end, the Chief had resorted to practically shoving every person not in uniform from the space.

In the back of his mind though, a gnawing feeling that he was forgetting something, something critical, important. Jim just shook off all feelings of unease; he had a job to do, after all.


On the opposite end of the city, and some ways away, Jim had forgotten something. Someone.

Stephanie Harlem gazed lifelessly out of the large bay windows of her grandparents grand estate. It seemed that everyone was forgetting her. Not that she minded, really. It was just that she felt quite lonely. A teenager being cooped up all hours of the day in a stuffy house with equally stuffy relatives was no easy feat. But Jim was a busy man, and often didn't have the time to entertain his only niece. He shouldn't waste his busy day by taking his niece out to lunch like he'd promised the week prior; she was only an afterthought, after all.

That made Steph miss Barbara terribly. Babs hadn't come by in almost a month, and it was beginning to really heave on Steph's shoulders. She hadn't even heard from her amor about her in weeks. For all she knew, her beloved aunt was in jail, or dead.

Steph hated the loneliness, but she loathed the pitying looks she received every time she stepped into the public even more. So lonely she was determined to remain.


Somewhere else, a ways away, two siblings were confronting one another...

"Let me get this straight, darling brother," the dark-haired woman drawled out. Long fingers stroking the leather whip at her side, "after all I've done - break out inmates from a mental ward, haul them back here and about a dozen other painful requests, you still aren't satisfied?"

Theo Galavan merely smiled at his younger sister. Where he lacked physical strength she lacked patience. And patience they would need in order to nourish their crew of insane inmates into durable warriors.

"Patience, Tabitha. It is only a simple request this time. I trust you should be able to have her delivered, by say, midnight? Surely your skills can accomplish such a task."

Theo really knew how to irk his sister.

Tabitha harnessed her desire to unleash her whip upon her elder brother and instead let out a agitated huff, "what makes this little brat so special anyways? Couldn't I just kidnap some orphan off the street?"

Theo chuckled at his sister's ignorance, "now now, dear sister, this girl is also an orphan. And essential to the plan. Won't you do this favour for me?"

Tabitha growled in frustration; she coiled her whip tightly and fastened it on her hip before she stalked out of the room angrily. Meanwhile, Theo merely smiled again, his gaze returning to a newspaper dated to a few weeks ago as he settled into his armchair.


The death of Clarissa and Jefferson Harlem set off a string of carefully planned scenarios, all leading up to this key aspect of his plans. Theo needed Stephanie Harlem for his plans to work. This was no ordinary kidnapping scandal, nor was the girl just a girl.

She was the heir to her family's fortune and company; the second largest corporation in all of Gotham.

Her name was Stephanie Harlem, and she was the new President of Global Incorporated.

And she, would make the perfect bait, for the next Gotham City headline. He could see it now:


Theo's elfish features curved into a smirk of sorts as he stared into the sizzling fireplace before him. His plans were finally coming through.

Next chapter, however, is when the story really kicks off. Thanks for reading everyone!!!!


Edited by my magical beta 

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