Part Twenty-Nine: The End of Chapter One

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[Stephanie Harlem]

"Absolutely not."

Stephanie Harlem glared at her uncle before shutting her eyes. If she was going to get anywhere with the police captain, she needed to keep a level head. So, gritting her teeth, Steph raised her head, doing her best to remain calm despite her uncle's unwavering stubbornness.

"Captain Barnes," she started again, smiling broadly, "if you wouldn't mind, I don't see why it is necessary for Detective Gordon to be here." She purred.

"I am here as your active guardian in this situation. In case your forgot, Stephanie, you're underage."

She shrugged, "not for much longer, Uncle Dear."

Captain Barnes interrupted the duo, clearing his throat loudly, "Miss Harlem, I understand your reasoning, however the law requires for your guardian to be present. Now, please continue."

Steph smiled, "as I was saying. I have reason to believe that there is illegal activity going on inside Arkham Asylum under the instruction of Dr. Hugo Strange. Global Incorporated donates funds to research in the asylum, and as I am to inherit the company and all legal contracts upon my eighteenth birthday, any research that goes on in the Arkham grounds are legally my business."

"Except for the key factor that she is not eighteen yet, Captain. Her lawyers believe they've found a loophole in the marriage agreement, but nothing is finalized yet." Jim explained calmly, pointedly ignoring the heated glare of his niece.

Barnes considered this, "I suppose that is a matter to be taken up with the courts. What I want to know is why is this important to me and my unit."

"You see, sir," Steph continued, sitting up straighter with his head held high. "I am asking permission of the GCPD to infiltrate Arkham Asylum as a legal liaison and representative of both Global Incorporated as well as the GCPD. My goal is to observe and record my findings of the ins and outs of the asylum and to keep tabs on any illegal or suspicious activity."

James Gordon could no longer hold his tongue as he exclaimed: "Stephanie! This is not happening, you are seventeen years old and a child!"

Barnes held up a hand, shooting his soldier a hard look. "James. I understand this is a personal matter, but if you cannot control yourself, I will ask you to leave. Got that?"

The detective merely nodded, silent. Steph took that as her notion to continue.

"I understand that this sounds absurd. I am well aware that I am a minor and not a member of the police force. However I know something is going on in Arkham and that Hugo Strange must be at the centre of it. As a liaison of the GCPD I would be granted immunity within the asylum and be safe from all potential backlash. Plus it would give my lawyers time to finish looking over my parents will, regarding my martial status."

Captain Barnes stood up from his desk, turning to gaze out the windows of his office. For a moment, everything was silent; neither Steph nor Jim dared to breath. And then Barnes turned around, eyes hard, face stone. "Stephanie, I understand you are trying to look out for your family's company, however what you are requesting of me is simply illegal. I have no reason or warrant to search the asylum, or Strange, and even if I did I would send in a trained professional, not a teenager."

"But that's just it, Captain Barnes, I am not a police officer. I don't need a warrant to enter the asylum."

"Maybe not, but it would count as trespassing," Jim countered, growing restless and even more irritated. This whole idea was nonsense.

Stephanie rose to her feet, she wasn't going to get her way, not like this. She tipped her head towards the police chief in farewell and thanks, "thank you for your time, Captain Barnes. Uncle Jim."

Insanity // J.ValeskaWhere stories live. Discover now