Part Sixteen Part Two: The Audition

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[Stephanie Harlem]

Stephanie Harlem sunk her teeth into the rich red skin of apple, not even batting an eye as the ginger who's lap she currently occupied and she licked the sticky juices off the side of her hand. She nudged her shoulder further into his sternum, her best attempt at physically scolding the guy, although he merely clutched her tighter, giving the blonde a playful squeeze and emitting a squeal from her. She slowly craned her neck to stare him dead in the eyes, and the couple were suddenly locked in quite an intense staring contest. Jerome, his eyes practically dancing with glee, waggled his eyebrows suggestively as his hands began to crawl up the her thighs, making Steph break her gaze away as she swatted at his hands. Boys and there minds; always one thought in their heads.

Jerome pulled Steph flush to his chest, brushing her blonde hair over one shoulder so her neck was revealed and completely bare. He proceeded to drag his teeth lazily along her shoulder and across her collarbone, licking a stripe up her neck causing for Steph to shiver with pleasure. Jerome grinned wickedly and was about to attach his lips to her throat once more when the large double doors opened, and Theo Galavan appeared.

"Good morning gentlemen, miss," the man nodded his head at Steph to which she responded by flipping him off, returning her attention to her apple.

The senior Galvan appeared unfazed by her rude gesture, promptly ignoring that she was even in the room at all.  "Fine job yesterday everyone, we opened big; the city knows your name now. So bravo, let's give ourselves a round of applause."

"You mean 'us' right? You did nothing Old Man except for sit around on your lazy, crippled ass and watch as we did all the heavy lifting." Steph scoffed and Jerome flexed his arms around her, keeping her still. 

Theo merely continued to ignore her outburst, tossing the newspaper in his hand onto the messy table scattered with dishes and fine china. "Now that we have Gotham's attention, it's time for the Maniax to make a grande entrance."

Jerome cocked his head to the side boyishly, considering this, "wasn't that it?" 

"That was the overture." Theo explained, "now the audience is hushed, expectant, eagerly anticipating the conductor's next move. Then the curtain rises, and the real show begins."

Steph bared her teeth with a scowl, "and I suppose you're the conductor of these grande schemes?"

"Perhaps, darling Stephanie, it will bode well with you to infer it like this: the audience never remembers the conductor; they remember the music. And that, my dear, is precisely where you all come in."

Steph continued to mutter curses under her breath, her nails digging into the flesh of her palm; Jerome kept his hold on her tight despite her sudden compliance. Steph was a time bomb, and pretty soon, she was going to explode. Jerome glanced at Theo, eager to absorb more of the elder man's ploys for the group of criminals. It was all so exciting! "Then what happens?"

Theo smirked at the ginger's enthusiasm, "then, we confront Gotham with their most primal fears, take from them all they hold dear and sacred."

"And then what happens?" Jerome asked again, his excitement growing still.

"Well then we offer them salvation. And then, they are ours."

Greenwood smiled cruelly, "let's take them, show them whose in charge now. Have all the pretty little girls begging for mercy." His last comment he directed to the only female of the group. Steph merely cringed in disgust and flipped him the bird, hushing Jerome's protective snarl.

"Now, now, Mr. Greenwood, as gentlemen, we must treat the women in our lives with the utmost respect. As for taking Gotham now... you all are not ready. You'll be on TV, broadcasted all across the Gotham network - you need to work on your stage presence. You need style, pizazz, you need to capture everyone watching you with just the smile on your face. Dobkins," he turned to the slight man, "say 'good evening ladies and gentlemen!'"

Dobkins huddled in his chair, clearly uncomfortably with the attention, but proceeded to murmur the words quietly. Galavan exhaled loudly, and turned to Greenwood, indicating the larger man give it a go.

Greenwood sat up as he spoke: "good evening ladies and gentle-men!"

Theo nodded, "not bad, sinister and authoritative. And how about our striking young couple? Stephanie, darling, would you like to try?"

Steph huffed at the term of endearment but complied, jumping up out of Jerome's arms to her feet. She shut her eyes, arching her back and breathing deeply, getting into character. Her eyes snapped open and she spread her arms wide, giggling girlishly. "good evening ladies and gentlemen of Gotham City, I welcome you to tonight's main event!" She smiled brightly as she spoke, articulating each syllable with a giggle.

Jerome beamed up at Steph, looking at her in adoration and awe. She was a sight to beheld with her show face on. Theo too, looked impressed as he gestured to Jerome to attempt as well.

Jerome leapt up to stand on his chair, clearing his throat he spread his arms wide and spoke: "ladies and gentlemen! Good evening!" He did a mock bow, before returning to his seat, tugging Steph along with him. Steph cooed and fawned over her boy-toy, praising him as she peppered kisses along his collarbone and jaw.

"Very good, boyishly charming" Theo smiled. "Well, it looks like we have our main actors for the big event."

The duo looked at each other with smirks on their face, Gotham wasn't going to know what hit them.


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