Part Sixteen Part One: The Maniax

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[Kira Quinzel]

Kira Quinzel shifted nervously on her two feet; she could feel the intense stares of the men and woman in the room currently drilling holes into her body. She knew this had been a bad idea, but Eric had insisted, especially once had had read about the disappearance of her sister-in-law. She really wished she had never told her husband who her family was, it would've made everything so much easier. But alas, she was partially to blame, seeing as she hadn't been able to stay away from her brother once his baby girl had been born. But that was the last time she had seen her family; that was the first time she ever saw her only niece.

But here she was now, when her niece needed her most, when her brother and parents were god knows where.

Kira fidgeted again, fiddling anxiously with the chain strap of her purse. "Is there anything else you would like me to clarify perhaps? I'd be more than happy to answer a few questions; I understand this must come of a shock for all of you, especially you, Jim."

Jim cocked an eyebrow, "have we met before?"

She nodded shyly, readjusting her purse on her shoulder. "Yes, well I have seen you. At the wedding. I was there briefly, and I saw you with the bride."

Jim winced despite himself; it was a sore subject, discussing his dead older sister. They didn't always get alone in their youth, but he missed her dearly now that he would never again have a conversation with her.

Captain Essen was the first to recover and respond to the woman's question, rising from her desk chair slowly. "If you would be alright, ma'am, could you follow me to an interrogation room. Gordon, Bullock?"

Bullock complied, nudging Jim out of his daze so that the trio could follow the Captain from her office.


Jim rested his palms flat on the metal table, Kira seated opposite of him; on the other side of the interrogation mirror were Bullock and Essen, observing intently.

"Please state your birth name," Jim started.

Kira exhaled loudly, shifting ever so slightly. "Kira Simone Kingsley-Harlem."

"Kingsley?" Jim rose an eyebrow.

She nodded earnestly, "yes, my mother's maiden name. My father wanted to ensure there would be no way for me to inherit the business or fortune, as anyone with a dual surname is cut from the will" she explained hastily, feeling her cheeks flush. Why oh why did she agree to this?

Jim nodded along, "and what is your current legal name? And the names of your immediate family if you could. It's for the records."

"My name is Kira Isabella Quinzel, my husband's surname. My mother's name is Yvonne Dawn Harlem; father's name is Winston Frederick Harlem, though he was known as Freddie. My older brother was Jefferson Xavier Harlem, and he married Clarissa Justice Harlem. Their daughter is Stephania Quinnton Gordon-Harlem, although I believe 'Gordon' was taken out."

Jim frowned; "there's no record of a Kira Isabella here." Kira nodded earnestly. "You see, after I ran away I decided to change my middle name and drop my surname in an attempt to further sway my parents from finding me. My birth name is Kira Simone Harlem." She explained further, twisting the diamond ring on her finger nervously.

Jim's eyes narrowed in on her slim fingers, "you're married." He concluded, making her eyes snap up to meet the detective's, her cheeks colouring slightly; she nodded, taking a moment to clear her throat again, "yes. For a few months now... What does any of this have to do with my niece? Please, what's going on?"

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