Part Twenty: The Spark **to be edited**

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Ahem. So um, I am giving a warning of sorts for this chapter. It's kinda the moment I've been waiting for, if ya catch my drift. There's a little bang, a little boom, a little *cough* lot *cough* sex between some rather crazed lunatics

So enjoy! Feel free to skip after reading Bruce's section if it's too mature for some viewers

On with the chapter!

[Bruce Wayne]

The young billionaire had been stuck on a question for quite some time now, and he was no closer to resolving it than he was, two weeks ago.

Who was Stephanie Harlem's fiancé to be?

Word of the man's identity had never been released and was now lost forever with the burglary of the Harlem's last testimony. It put their company in quite the predicament with no apparent President. But who was this mystery man? No doubt he was a man of status, most likely wealthy and well respected to the other Gotham socialites, but who was he? It was completely absurd that he hadn't stepped forth yet - him or his esteemed family.

Bruce was truly flummoxed and yet he had refrained from asking Alfred for help. The elderly man definitely had much more insight on the manner at hand, hell, before asking the butler, Bruce was unaware of the Harlem's notorious tradition of arranged marriages.

Bruce stood up abruptly from his spot at his father's former desk. He circled it once, one hand on his chin, the other gripping his elbow as he paced anxiously. Was the killer and the robber the same person? Or just a lucky thief with the good fortune of breaking and entering the house where all the occupants were either dead or in a state of shock.

No, Bruce deducted, the murderer and the thief were the same person.

He made his way to stand before the roaring fireplace, deep in thought. If only he had had the chance to talk to Stephanie like he had wanted to, then maybe he could find some clues - any clues - as to who the killer was and what their motive was.

Well, there were many reasons to want to dispose of Jefferson and Clarissa Harlem. They were some of the richest people in the United States; owned one of the largest companies in North America; had the oldest money in the world in their hands. In truth it was nearly a surprise that someone hadn't killed them yet, them or any of Gotham's most elite. Which he guessed, was how his parents met their unfortunate end.

That was why this was driving him crazy. He couldn't solve his parents murder case, but maybe he could solve the Harlem's. Maybe, whenever Stephanie was found, he could relieve her of the endlessly fathomable possibilities as to who killed them and for what reason. Maybe he could help her end her grieving.

And in order to solve her parent's murder, he needed to know who she was to be engaged to. He needed to find this person; for all he knew they could very well be responsible for the Harlem's untimely death.


Bruce mentally counted to ten in his head. Alfred appeared before him in eight seconds.

He was huffing mildly as he composed himself, "you called, Master Bruce?"

Bruce turned to face his butler and guardian, his arms crossed over his chest. "Do you know who Stephanie Harlem is supposed to marry? Or the family name at least? Surely my father knew and discussed it wit-"

Insanity // J.ValeskaWhere stories live. Discover now