Part Ten: The Descent

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[Barbara Kean]

Barbara Kean was many things.

After her devastating breakup from her longtime, chivalrous and all-around amazing boyfriend, Jim Gordon (even though technically the breakup was on her) Barbara lost herself for awhile. Her on again, off again roommate, Selina Kyle granted her access to the world of the living, making her seem like a real person on occasion. Her date to the Wayne Industries ball had been a sociopathic nutcase that enjoyed taking his kink for pain outside of the bedroom. And worse enough, he enjoyed toying with Barbara's brains until they spilled out of her ears. To top off the icing on the cake, he had convinced her to partake in the murder of her parents, two people who had loved her if not in their own, strange way.

And that was how she landed in the asylum.

Barbara had every intention of playing by the rules there, waiting patiently for her time in the ward to tick by without so much as stepping a baby toe out of line. Sadly, that didn't work out as she'd hoped.

Instead, she had been kidnapped. Plain and simple.

It was strange, she'd never actually considered that anyone would want to kidnap a group of clinically insane people. What was worse was she never anticipated grouping herself as a clinically insane person. She had really fallen far in her decent into hell, hadn't she?

So to tally up the list, Barbara was now a mommy and daddy killer, a crazy person, an obsessed ex-girlfriend, a fashionista, a loving aunt, a worried yet loving aunt, and a liar.

Seemed about right.

So when Barbara was presented with a chance to not only save herself but also gain something, how could she easily turn it down? The sister of the man who had kidnapped her, Tabitha Galavan, was as enthralled with Barbara as most, making her deceit come more naturally.

Tabitha was so easy. The girl was begging for it practically. She made it incredibly obvious that she wanted Barbara, and Barbara wanted to live to see the day she escaped the deranged apartment that she was still currently confined in. Her only option? To seduce the annoyingly clingy woman into oblivion, until Barbara had yet another person wrapped around her dainty fingers.

Really, she was quite the skilled seductress.

Tabitha and her had formed an articulate routine. Wake up and make out for a bit, maybe a bit of hand stuff in bed, then breakfast in bed, and next they would get ready for the day, then begin the physical training. Physical training was exactly as it sounded - physically draining. The pair worked out, with Tabitha straining Barbara's muscles and patience until she snapped, (either in exhaustion or frustration) and the blonde retired to their rooms. Training was followed by a quaint lunch, and then mental or emotional training. The next course of their training involved Barbara being forced to face her fears, learn how to cope with and shut off her emotions, and learn her desired skills of deceit. Unfortunately for the ebony-haired woman, Barbara was better at that particular skill than she thought, and had instead been playing Tabitha the whole time. Finally, they ended the day with a light dinner and sex. Her days were becoming quite tedious but she supposed she couldn't complain. All she wanted was for the day that she wouldn't have to end her day by faking yet another orgasm. Seriously, for such a kinky looking girl, Tabitha was extremely boring in the bedroom.

What worried her however, and often kept her up at night was Stephanie. Her niece was still missing, and that meant Jim was still going out of his mind as he so often did. What was worse was she couldn't do anything about it: she couldn't help search for her, she couldn't interrogate Stephanie's useless grandparents, and she couldn't be there for Jim. It was a huge, horrible mess.

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