Part Fifteen: The Sister

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Hey guys!!! Just thought I'd let everyone know that the next chapter will introduce the Maniax and then from there we'll follow a bit more of how things occur in the show up until the Last Laugh

Onto the story :)

*Present Day*

[Jim Gordon]

"Homicide; victim status: deceased, approximately been dead for twenty-five minutes."

James Gordon watched as his dead brother-in-law's parents were zipped into matching body bags, his partner, Harvey Bullock reading out the police findings.

Jim sighed, sliding on a pair of latex gloves before stepping into the heart of the crime scene: the master suite.

It was a bloodbath. The victims' blood coated the entire bed, and specks of blood littered the rest of the bedroom. From a first glance, it was obvious that the victims' hadn't suffered much, and instead had been granted a relatively quick and easy death. The woman, Yvonne Harlem,  had died instantly from what they could tell: a fatal stab wound to the heart. The man suffered a tad more: having first suffered a lethal stab wound to the stomach, before having his throat cleanly slit. It was an easy murder by the standards, however the case itself? Looming closer to impossible.

There was no murder weapon left behind, and whoever had committed the crime had cleaned up their footprints, leaving nothing out of place. The police were caught at a standstill, unsure as to how to progress with no suspects, witnesses, or murder weapon.

Alas, Jim Gordon had dealt with much more difficult cases in his time as a detective. However from his quick assessment, it seemed that his niece was in more danger than he thought. First her parents, then grandparents; all of her wards we're deceased now, making him the next obvious candidate to be her guardian. So what was the killer's next move? They must've not been aware the will was missing in the first place - seeing as the GCPD worked long and hard hours to ensure that the murder of the Harlem's was quickly removed from the headlines. Only few people in the city knew about their death, but that didn't necessarily put Steph in danger.

When it came to raising their only daughter, his sister and her husband were quite protective. They kept her out of the press, hiding her on purpose from the public eye so that she was able to have a proper childhood for the most part. In fact that only pictures on record of the girl in public were when she was tiny, now essentially useless to anyone hoping to find her. As for her teachers, Steph either went by her mother's maiden name in school or the school board was forced into signing a confidentiality agreement. Clarissa and Jefferson saved no expenses when their daughter's security was involved.

That was good and bad. It meant that the police's search for her was kept on a low profile, meaning few people knew she was even missing (the amber alert was for Stephanie Gordon). It also meant that as the press wasn't entirely aware of her absence, she still was the heir and future president of her family's company.

Jim grit his teeth together as he watched the ambulance begin to pull away from the crime scene, the police Captain officially marked the crime scene as 'closed' - for now at least. They could do nothing more tonight, not without a lead.

[Bruce Wayne]

The young billionaire, in his guardian's opinion, was obsessed.

Bruce Wayne had been pouring over police files, news articles and even magazines, doing everything in his power to learn more about Stephanie Harlem, the girl who despite her wealth and status, had somehow managed to stay out of the public eye. Despite her brief debut on the front page of the Gotham Gazette, all traces of the orphan had disappeared over the following weeks until it was as if Stephanie was no longer missing. Or, perhaps, the police just stopped looking.

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