Part Seventeen Part Two: The Trip

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[Harley Quinn]

"Hi there, Uncle Jimmy," she purred.

She sashayed forward, abruptly stopping before her uncle, resting her bloodied palms on his thighs, leaning in close. She licked her lips in a feral way, nipping at the pink flesh before opening her mouth and running her tongue along the sharp edge of her teeth. She snapped her teeth together once, erupting in a fit of giggles before dancing away.

She reached a hand out onto the back of Jim's chair, and swiftly swirled it around with strength that shocked Jim. She positioned her uncle so that he was now facing the table, the blinding lamp staring directly into his line of sight. He flinched, shutting his eyes automatically.

Big mistake.

She reacted instantly, one hand locking around his bound wrists, the other holding a dagger to his throat. Jim sucked in a sharp breath, his eyes still shut as the cool metal dug into his delicate skin a little.

"Steph, stop. Why are you doing this?"

She cocked her head to the side, applying a little more pressure onto the blade, causing for a small river of blood to pool from the small cut. "You keep calling me 'Steph' whose she? She sounds fun! She sounds nice. But that isn't me Jimbo! Surely you remember the name of your only niece?"

Jim gulped despite himself, "then what is your name?"

She threw her head back and cackled loudly, the sound making Jim jump despite himself, increasing the blood-flow of the incision on his neck.

"Tsk, tsk Jimminy Cricket. You'll ruin your best white shirt if you keep acting so, so...jumpy!" On that word, she removed the dagger from his neck and prodded him in the shoulder with the tip.

Jim cursed under his breath; he needed to subdue her and fast.

"You see, Jimmy the Greek, I was sent here on a mission of sorts. Sent by Daddy Galavan himself! He had an important job for me, and I can't go disappointing the future mayor, now can I?" She was cackling like a hyena at this point, her grip on his wrists tightening further, if possible.

Jim grit his teeth together in discomfort, "what was the job?" Time, he needed to buy himself time.

The girl paused, removing the dagger from his neck only to hold it up to her temple, tapping lightly as one might do with a finger.

She shrugged, "oopsie? I forgot! Oh well, at least I got to show off my new skills! Oh, did ya see them? I took out three people in the span of two minutes with them! Three! Aren't you proud, Uncle Jim? Proud of your darling niece?"

Jim felt himself go cold with dread - what did she mean by take out? "Stephanie, you have to untie me. What did you mean by 'take out'?"

"No can do, babydoll! This game is too much fun to give up now! And as for the others.... I killed them!"

Jim closed his eyes in defeat. As an officer of the law, it was now his responsibility for taking her into custody, and formally arrest her. Detaining an officer by force, admitting to three homicides... but it was Steph. It was his niece. He had to get her out of here before anyone found them, then he would be no use to her. No help.

A voice echoed throughout the seemingly empty station: "Hey Jim! You still here bud? I brought us a couple of subs; ran into Lee on my home when she told me."

The girl instantly released him, and crouched before him, putting a finger to her lips, "shhh," she winked and then the was gone.

[James Gordon]

"Harvey? In here! Quickly! Get your gun!" Jim called out, his pulse racing.

Sure enough, his long-haired partner was there in seconds, gun out, sandwich bag nowhere to be seen. Harvey gave the room a quick once-over before running over to his tied-up partner, quickly untying the man and helping him up.

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