Part Eight: The Promise

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A sinister grin spread across Jerome's pale lips. He hopped off the couch and strode over to where Steph was huddled against the wall.

"Per-fect! Now a matter of making sure someone keeps their promise."

Despite all her determination, Steph visibly paled as her mind swept over to the possibilities of what Jerome meant. What exactly had she just gotten herself into?

She crossed her arms across her chest, feigning defiance - "why the hell should I trust you? I'm not signing my life away so I can be your pitiful slave."

The ginger made a tutting noise as he wrapped a muscular arm around the girl's shoulders, forcing her to lean into his broad chest.

"Now, now little uh, spitfire, it's just a precaution to make sure you don't go running." His eyes darkened and gleamed in delight or madness. Steph wasn't sure.

Stephanie expelled a breath, so this was the end of the line.

"Fine, sign me up for your stupid blood cult or shit. I'll sacrifice the first llama I find, deal?"

Jerome threw his head back in laughter, "nice try, sugar. This orientation is a bit more... complex."

He suddenly leapt across the room, snatching something shiny off the ground; Jerome straightened to his full height, and a creepy grin contorted his features.

"What'd ya say, babe, let's make things official."

Steph paled even more as her eyes widened at the gleaming knife wielded in his hand.

"W-what?" She sputtered nervously, shrinking into herself.

"Now, now, sweetie pie, it's nothing serious. Just a, uh, contract of sorts." Jerome's eyes gleamed wickedly.

Jerome stalked closer to her trembling form, his eyes glinting dangerously. He stilled in front of her, raising his palm so that it was level with her face. Slowly, dauntingly, Jerome slashed the blade ceremoniously across the flesh of his palm before offering the handle of the blade towards the girl.

"Your turn, sweet cheeks."

When Steph hesitated, Jerome forcefully prodded the knife into her hand. "Now, sugar, you don't want me to bleed out now, do you?"

Steph began to shake anxiously, her fingers trembling as she wrapped his fingers around the hilt of the blade. Following his lead, Steph dug the sharp end of the blade into her palm, wincing as her blood began to pool from its fresh gash.

Steph sucked in a quick breath at the sudden stinging sensation, the feeling having completely caught her off guard, causing her to let the knife clatter noisily to the ground just as Jerome reached for her wrist. Grinning evilly, Jerome pressed their bleeding palms together in a tight hold, letting their fingers intertwine.

The sensation was curious. The gash in her palm ached and throbbed dully, yet the feeling of Jerome's bloody palm pressed against her own sent shivers down her shuddering spine.

Almost as quickly as it has occurred, their hands fell away from one another and their agreement was sealed in blood.

Jerome ducked his head and licked the blood from his hands. His teeth now stained red, he giggled as he indicated to her wrist, "you gonna finish that?"

Steph snatched her hand away in disgust. Perfect, she had just signed her life away to a literal blood-thirsty maniac. Her parents would be so proud of her.

The girl huffed angrily as she wiped her palm on her filthy jeans, shooting Jerome a haughty glare,
only fuelling his laughter as he scooped up the discarded knife in his other hand.

"You better not have an HIV," she muttered softly under her breath.

Unfortunately, Jerome caught her mumbled words and let out a roaring laugh; "plannin on sleepin with me soon, huh, doll? Don't worry sweet cheeks, I don't bite. Well... much." He winked.

Steph rolled her eyes, slumping irritably onto the couch. "What now, Red?"

"Hmmmm, what to do, what to do."Jerome paced the length of the room, his switchblade dangling precariously off of his fingertips.

"I know!" He exclaimed, "let's go show you off to Daddy Galavan!"

Dread settled upon Steph's features; she was dead for sure.

Jerome wasted no time hauling the anxious girl to her feet, and tugged her behind him; his grip tight as a vice.

"Let me go, you son of a bitch!" She struggled harder.

Jerome cackled at her poor choice of words and spun the girl around, slamming her roughly against the closest wall. The blade of his knife was suddenly positioned dangerously close to the delicate veins at her neck as he darkly loomed over her petite form. Despite his daunting appearance, Jerome's face was lit up with a sinister grin.

"Now, now, sugar lips. Do you want to know what happens to kittens who like to use their claws?"

Steph shuddered as his hot breath fanned across her cheekbones; she really needed to check with her psychiatrist about why this turned her on.

Stephanie did her best to shrink away from Jerome despite her body aching to lean her weight into the man before her. Jerome was a maniac - he was dangerous and she should never feel comfortable around him. Never.

Jerome leered even closer to her, his face nestled in the crook of her neck. He bared his teeth ferociously, letting them drag lightly across her delicate, soft skin. Beneath his form, Steph was shaking like a leaf; her entire form trembling from head to toe.

Jerome's lips latched onto the flesh of her throat, sucking and nipping harshly, earning a gasp from the girl in question. Steph used all the force she could muster and attempted to shove the lunatic away from her, but he resisted. In the end, her hands ended up splayed against the hard planes of his chest, almost pressing him closer to her opposed to further away.

Finally releasing her deeply bruised skin from his lips, Jerome's mouth ghosted over the shell of her ear, nipping lightly at the fleshy lobe. He tilted his head even closer so that his breath fanned over the entire right side of Steph's face.

"Their claws get cut."

With his final warning lingering in the air, Jerome pushed off of the wall and stalked down the hall. Steph heaved and sank slowly to the secure floor beneath her, her body shuddering violently and her mind practically turned to mush. There, she curled in on herself, using her knees and arms as a safe shelter for the intricate confines of her head.

What had she done?

Hope you guys liked this! :)


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