Part Twenty-Four: The Arrangement

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[Bruce Wayne]

Bruce Wayne was stressed.

He was also engaged. 

Not formally, but legally speaking he was bound to Stephanie Harlem. The same girl that had miraculously appeared at the Children's Hospital Charity Ball; the same girl who had wept over Jerome Valeska's corpse before he was taken away; the same girl who had apparently taken Global Incorporated by storm. 

His fiancée was certainly exciting. 

Exciting and powerful. 

Her emotions were quite erratic. While he had been unable to attend her press conference the day following her 'rescue' from Jerome, she had spoken of her parents' murder as if it were nothing. Then she had immediately delved into the topic of the Harlem's marriage requirements - Stephanie had worked hard to ensure that the matter of her company was handled in a swift and precise manner: she had a plan, and as of the present, said plan was going into action. Information regarding her kidnapping and the death of her mother and father were no longer relevant. 

His future wife was quite the calculated young woman. 

Bruce shuddered at the thought: him being married. He was much to young to even consider the concept, let alone be run over with it. But alas, it was something he would have to face sooner rather than later. It was times like this that Bruce Wayne really hated being wealthy. 

Alfred had assured him multiple times that his parents' had loved him endlessly and that they were in the process of backing out of the marriage contract before they died. However they had been unable to reach a settlement, which unfortunately meant that the contract was still very much in tact. With the death of the Harlem's as well, the marriage was now in the hands of lawyers. Harvey Dent must be having a field day somewhere. 

It was moments like these that Bruce pondered whether he even knew his parents at all. The great Thomas and Martha Wayne; his father and mother. 

Did he even know them though? After all, what parents forced their children into arranged marriages in this century? The concept was beyond Medieval yet so tactical... it chilled Bruce to the core to think of parents like that. That they would consider selling their only son's happiness for the sake of their family business; a business he would one day inherit. 

Considering Stephanie Harlem had yet to address the marriage arrangement, Bruce figured that meant that she was still unaware of the contract. If he was being honest with himself, he wasn't sure if that was good or bad news.

Bruce wrapped his hands around his tea, letting the warmth from the mug coat his palms with heat. He bowed his head in thought, letting his eyes fall shut as he continued to ponder this. Now that Stephanie was more found than lost, their impending marriage was the next thing on his 'to-do' list. Destroying it that is. 

"Ah, Master Bruce, I didn't expect to see you down here." 

Bruce raised his head so he could see his butler and guardian, Alfred Pennyworth enter the dim yet warm kitchen. He supposed it was true; Bruce rarely was in the kitchen anymore, not since his mother had ceased occupying the space. 

Bruce indicated towards his mug, "just thought I'd enjoy some tea."

The butler tittered, "I suppose."

Alfred began wiping down the already spotless countertops aimlessly, as if he needed something to do with his hands. It had been rather tense between the two since news of the arranged marriage had been revealed, and now that Bruce's fiancée was back, the topic would have to be broached eventually. 

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