Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

                “HaHa! I totally agree with you there. So back to our competition people, anyone out there wanting to” SLAM. Crack.

                Anya groaned as she blinked open her eyes and stared at yet another broken alarm. Mornings were really not her time of day, but working for a Human Corporation meant some sacrifices on her part. Throwing her face back into her pillow, she tried to pretend she had the day off, as most people would. Oh what she could do with a day off, top of that list, sleep. Yet another sacrifice she made for begin PA to the CEO of said Human Corporation.

                She knew she was extremely lucky to have landed this job. She knew part of the reason she had received the offer was her looks, Stefan Vitsin liked something pretty to look at. As a result, before she had taken over the job he had been going through at least one PA a month. She knew he had expected the same from her, only she had proved she had a brain behind the pretty face. As a result she had been with him for just over a year. For her that was a long time in one place.

                She was expecting the hunters at her door any day now. Had been for the last month, so every day she awoke and she was still alive, she knew she had to drag herself out of bed. Most employees work the average 9-5 Monday to Friday. Only she had to work when Stefan did. And if he didn’t take a day off running his empire, then neither did she. Currently 5:30 am on a Sunday morning most did not know this time existed, unless they were just getting in from a night out.

                Swinging her legs over the side of the double bed that her position allowed, she dragged herself into a sitting position. Elbows to knees and head in hands, she felt every year of her six hundred and seventy four years, not that she looked it. At twenty four she had hit her ‘optimal age’, this was the age the Vampires were the strongest and most seductive. Some did not reach this until they were in their thirties or forties. It was the individual themselves that knew their optimal age. Angels were slightly different, their optimal age was when they came into their power. Again it was the same, some would not come into their powers until later, others earlier, that was the point they stopped aging.

                As a child of both worlds both of these came into being at the same time on her twenty fourth birthday. The most agonising time of her entire life as her cells were sealed by the optimal power. With her ability to blend in with both world powers and humans, she also had the ability to hide her wings. The slits in her camisole allowed what looked like a tattoo of extremely detail wings to emerge in an explosion of colour and feather.

                Allowing them freedom for a moment, she knew they would cramp her back if they were not released at that moment. They could not feel the full reach as her room was too small for that, it was why she preferred to be hiding out in Angel territory. At least then the rooms of allocated buildings where slightly wider, as if they could not image anyone not needing that room instead of just wanting it.

                Allowing herself to cage her wings within herself once more, she ran her fingers through her hair and stood. For the amount of money she was earning it was pitiful what that could actually get you with the war in full rage. Most of the cities from the early 21st century had been destroyed in explosions of fire and twisted metal. As a result strongholds had been made. Shield technology protecting the high rises within the territory of the leading Angel or vampire in that area. Currently in an area near the decimated city of Moscow, the dingy high rises on the outskirts were where everyone lived, unless you actually owned a company, then you could live in the penthouse floors of your office high rise. Unless you were vampire in this territory, then you could live in the lap of luxury. Well, as much as anyone in the middle of a war to claim the world.

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