Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Unlocking the solid door he pushed through. Taking in her form on the bed and her breathing patterns, he knew she was asleep. With a lack of blood in her system it was probably the only way her body knew to heal the damage he had caused. He knew it was vindictive and beneath him, but he slammed and locked the door behind him.

In his peripheral vision he saw her jump on the bed, jerking awake at the sound. Though she made no sound even though she had to have jolted the leg as she had come back to reality. Well at least this way he would get his answers and be able to decide what to do with her possibly by the end of the night. He hoped.

The pain and lack of blood had finally taken their toll a few hours ago. Anya had succumbed to sleep she knew could very well take her very life with the lack of nutrients within her that her body could not produce as fast as a vampire to heal. Angels healed in a very different way, and to use the power itself she had to unleash her wings, and she did not want to do that with a homicidal vampire nearby. It would give him yet another part of her that could be used to his advantage and cause her untold pain.

The banging of the door had managed to wake her, even as she had feared even in her dream state she would never see the light of day again. She absorbed the pain that radiated through her as she had jolted her leg in the waking process. It proved she was alive at least. Her body was feeling weaker she knew she had not much left within her, and judging on how long she had been here a lack of food may not be helping that situation.

She could have let her attitude take over, which could cause more pain in the future, so instead decided to look towards the sound as the way of greeting her jailer. She was going for the ‘I see you I just don’t care’ expression. But the utter surprise of seeing what he carried flowed through her and she was sure was written plainly across her face. Thinking it through, he must be wanting her healthy so as to have more fun for when he started the torture again. She would accept, though, it would help her if she had a chance to escape in the future.

Still in the seated position on the bed, as she had not wanted to move her leg again, at least she would not have to show him the pain she was in, in moving to accommodate him as he came and set the tray on the bed beside her. Seating himself on the edge of the bed along with it. Her gaze widening as she took in the tray before her. There was a tableau of fresh healthy food before her, fruit was the main item, different pieces, cut into bite size sections. The colours and sweetness hitting her in a rush after the darkness of the room, and the smell of smoke and dried blood she had been locked in with for hours now.

To the side of the tray lay two blood bags, her nose wrinkled unconsciously. She never meant to show her disgust, it seemed she was currently incapable of keeping her expression clear of anything but exactly what she was thinking. She knew she needed the blood, and all the nutrients her body needed were stored in the bag, the taste of it meant she would have to force the liquid down and then use a lot of effort in keeping it down. Only two centuries before she would never have been able to use this to keep her alive. Instead a live human would have had to be found. And yet she found some advancements just may not be worth it.

Watching her face as she took in the tray. He took the time to really look at her. Expressionate would be one word to describe her. She showed every emotion as clearly as if she had spoken aloud how she felt. Her disgust at the bagged blood almost made him smile as her thoughts obviously echoed his own only moments before. As he watched her gaze move back to the fruit, which he had no idea why he had cut up it up for her, the light from the lamp hit her face in perfect illumination. It almost made him gasp at the picture he saw before him.

While he did not need the light to see, everything being as clear as day without it, it highlighted the face before him in a way he had never seen it before. The delicate bone beneath flawless skin. Her aura glowing in the low light, almost sliver swirled with the dark heart of a ruby. Some humans believed the aura could tell the mood and health of a person. For a vampire or an angel it was a distinct marker of the person themselves, as distinctive as their personal scent. The deepest blue hair fighting its way out of the chignon she had made so meticulous for the meeting she had walked in on earlier.

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