Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

He heard the gasp and the muted sound of something shattering upon the floor. He moved with his preternatural speed, only to find her stood on the Persian rug that sat under the bed and extended over a huge amount of the actually room. Her back was towards him as she faced the broken shards of glass he could see sparkling in the low light of the room.

That was the moment that he saw the reflected light hitting the bare skin of her thigh. The filaments of her wings creating the same effect back upon the rug itself. If he had not steeled himself with the darkness within he may have moved towards her. And that would have meant touching her. He had been good enough already, and that was when she was unconscious, not that he thought she would appreciate that.

Her wings spread in a graceful arc as they came around the front of her. He could see her hand stroke over the soft gem like surface of the muscled strength he had felt himself. The feathers had a softness that he had never imagined, having never taking the time to stroke over a wing on the angels he had felled over the years. It was a thought he had never had before, and it floated through his mind as a feather on the breeze, and floated away just as quickly. What did it matter what they felt like? She seemed to have no idea that she was stood in his bedroom, metres from his bed, naked as the day she was born. With a sexually starved vampire blocking the only entrance and exit to the room.

She was completely oblivious to all around her, after smashing the glass ornamentation beside the bed into unrecognisable pieces, she took in the changes that had come over her. Her wings had been unique to start off with. Muted shades of the night, now it was night captured by the heart of precious jewels, dipped in blood red. She had to smile at that. Her vamp was not to be outdone it seemed. She reached out to touch the silken surface as she curved the objects of her interests around her still unclothed body.

“Impossible.” The whisper left her without her knowledge.

“I can assure you it is real. And that while they look impressive, they are heavy and cumbersome when manoeuvring down stairs.” His tone was gruff, and unexpected, so much so she found herself pivoting towards the sound. Only her wings had taken up their position behind her once more. And when she saw the heat enter his eyes, she flushed the deepest red as seconds later she spun back around trying to cover what he must have seen already.

Clearing her throat she tried for nonchalance, and failed miserably. “Well, they are not just for decoration you know. They are meant to be used, do you think that would work if they were flimsy bits of fluff?”

“Absurdity is not needed to make your point. I understand what they are used for. Most just look like decorations. Yours even more so now. They would look rather nice mounted over my fire place do you not think.” She could hear the smirk hidden in his voice. She gritted her teeth against the acerbic reply she was about to retort, understanding she really did not have any leverage, or any she wanted until she was clothed.

“Would you mind leaving so I may dress, sir?” Treat him with some civility, it had to reach something from long past did it not. She knew he had been around at least as long as her, if not longer and males had been taught differently in days gone by. There were unspoken rules of society that people lived by that did not seem to exist after the creation of more and more technology.

He seemed to understand her meaning, he could not allow his ingrained teaching of so many years slide. But he wanted too, she could tell that much, especially with the tartness held within his reply. “Of course mademoiselle, how remiss of me. But if you would not mind, I will just give you my back. Better to defend myself knowing your actions, than awaiting a hit from an unknown source.”

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