Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Nathaniel was extremely relieved that Anya was finally fully aware. Confused, but aware. Her intelligence making links between the information he had given her so far. Giving her a short run down of all that had happened while she had been out, he saw the relief reflected in her eyes, as she finally understood. With that he could focus on more important things, now he had her with him.

“Anya,” holding the side of her head in his palm, forcing her to look at him, and stop her gaze from wondering around the area full of angels. “Anya, do you have any idea as to what happened before you lost consciousness?” He had discussed this with the old archangel Raphael as they had journeyed together. Not that he had had a choice in the matter.

But the Archangel had had some interesting insights on the possibilities of a half angel half vampire. He had found himself having a fascinating conversation with the archangel, and querying findings, and adding his own opinion and insights for himself. He had never seen himself ever talking reasonably with an angel, let alone helping to reason out something so interesting, while at the same time being held in his arms and flown among a wing of angels.

That had being an experience he had never thought he would have, and did not particularly want to experience again. At the same time he knew they had to be taken to the angelic stronghold, he needed more information from the council itself. And what better way in than the front door. The issue was that he would be separated from Anya. If Ezekiel was intelligent enough, he knew that Anya could be used against him. He may be able to fool the other angels. But he had a feeling the Ezekiel had similar feelings, much to the annoyance of his darkness.

If it came down to it, he was sure he could use those feelings against the archangel in the same way he would try it with him. He would just have to make sure that neither of them was stubborn enough to actually see her harmed in any way.

“A strange feeling over took me. I remember that I spoke, though not what I said. It was as if I was locked away in my mind, whilst something else over took control. I was aware and yet not fully there. I was scared and yet did not have the capacity to feel scared.” She shook her head, her eyes wide. “Sorry, I am not really making sense right now am I?” He watched as she bit into her bottom lip, wanting to take over the action himself. But he would not betray that in front of so many angels.

He found himself replying, “Perfect sense.” Trying to lighten the seriousness that was tensing her muscles under his hands. The smile the strained across her face, showed that she appreciated what he was trying to do. He was no healer, but had some in the field training. Knew she had come out fine. Well, as far as he could tell. Her breathing had calmed after she had understood where she was and what had happened. Her pupils were normal. From what he could tell for a half breed. A vampires eyes were more sensitive to light than an angels. Her pupils were therefore slightly larger than her, he was hoping that was linked with her angel half.

Her core temperature had risen steadily since coming back to consciousness. Colour had returned partially to her pale complexion. Highlighting her white skin, with the tiniest hint of pink. He had no idea what she had done to him. But he was glad it worked. And if she ever needed that again, well, he wasn’t ever going to say no. He had known the pleasure of feeding and being fed from, he had never known pleasure could be taken to that level, without actually having sex at least.

Movement in his peripheral vision had him pulling her closer to his body. The fact she said nothing showed how serious she was taking this situation. She curled up tighter against him. Showing just how much she was feeling out of sorts. She had seen him rip out her boss’s throat and yet she now looked to him for protection. He did not think the irony was lost on either of them.

The movement from one of the guards, as he was called over to help with an injured comrade by Ezekiel. There was a need to be cautious, while at the same time, there was a need to show no fear. Not that he felt anything towards these angels but frustration, with an added pinch of anger. They had destroyed his home. What they thought were all of his belongings. At least he had that knowledge that they did not.

What he really needed to do was find a way out of this that kept both himself and Anya alive. Also he needed to get in touch with Lilith. His vamps would have told her by now of what had occurred. As Anya had wings at that time, and still now, it would just look as if she was an angel injured in the attack on his abode. That would help somewhat. But right now, they would have to wait this one out. He needed into the stronghold, he needed to know what plans they had against vampires. And he needed to know what they were doing to with Anya.

His darkness would not allow that to happen. She was not allowed to be hurt anymore, not by anyone, not even from herself. She may not realise it yet, but his darkness had claimed her for its own. A light that flickered surrounded by night, but the night that killed all others wanted to protect the one light it could call its own. Without that light, the night knew it was a monster. And a monster who realises what they are could become the worst to walk the face of the world.

To others he may look as such. But to this one now, he would not let her walk away. With that knowledge, he looked for the archangel who thought he had a claim on her. Finding Ezekiel merging aura’s with one of his fallen. Pretty boy was not getting his hands on her. Even if that meant he had to hitch a ride with him. The feeling was completely repugnant. Though his darkness violently rebelled on the idea of her in his arms once more. Looks like it would be the lesser of two evils.

Not that that was any real consolation.

Raphael appeared before them at that moment. He had felt the vibrations, the power the archangel released, probably without any real knowledge of that fact. Moving his gaze slowly towards him, he saw the smudges of blood here and there. As if it had been absent smudges as the healer had not noticed the state of his hands while he had been healing his angels.

This angel was powerful. Anya felt buffeted by the power. Her breath taking a hitch as she let that power flow over her. Looking up into the greenest eyes, she recognised them. “You? But how?” She knew this angel was old. She could feel the vampire, who held her on his lap, stiffen at her words. Warily watching as he knelt beside them reaching out to touch her. She tried not to flinch and knew she had failed miserably.

“I will not hurt you. But you know that already. I just have never shown you the true extent of my powers before.” Taking out a tiny torch her flicked it back and forth in front of her eyes. Making her squint in response. “Responses seem normal.” He shifted slightly to better see her as she tried to climb further back into the vampire behind her. “I think it worked. Do you have any issues with your memory? You remember me but do you remember why?” He looked so earnest, she could no more refuse him than stop breathing.

“My memory is clear up until before I lost consciousness. I am told I spoke though I cannot remember what was said. That is the only portion of my memory that is not intact.” She leant towards him. Unsure how much the vampire knew about this angel before them. Not that she knew much. Only that… “You were always there. You were there at the beginning with my mother. I have seen your eyes before many times. I sometimes think I have imagined or dreamed it. But I always got out of those scrapes easily and with no injuries whenever you were around. You have physically helped me at least twice, though I suspect it is more and I just do not realise it was you.” Deep breath as if to say something of great import she finished. “I know not who you are, but I know you helped me. What I want to know it why?”

The angle looked at her, then over her shoulder to the vampire behind. “There is much to discuss, and it cannot be here.” He stood. “I have the highest rank here, upon entry to the stronghold. You both become my prisoners. But my information comes with a price. You have to be willing to give that price before I give my information.” With nothing else said he turned and walked away, towards a group of angels still working hard in stabilising a comrade.

“What do you think he wants?” She turned towards the vampire who still held her in a protective hold. Well, the enemy of my enemy is my friend it seemed. He locked gazes with her and she felt as if she had lost the ability to blink. “I have no idea, but whatever it is.” He looked over towards the angel in question, breaking his hold over her. “We are not going to like it.”

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