Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

What he saw was completely incomprehensible. He had never seen the like before in his very long life to date. He had seen angel’s wings before with his spy work into the other territory. They were unique to the angel, different shades and patterns, but Anevia’s were spectacular. Beautiful in a dark and powerful way. He could tell the vampire was still there within her at the same time as she released the angel.

The deepest blue of her hair slowly became a purple just as dark as the blue. In the right light, and without vision as good as his, most would have said they were black. The sheen, however, was that found on a black birds in the sunlight. Only here the colour had an otherworldly glow that would exist nowhere else.

She seemed to be satisfied with the release, as if she had proved him wrong. Only he could still feel the power building beneath her skin. It buffeted against him as he stood only a metre from her, and yet he felt the need to move further back away from something he could feel coming that could and would devour all in its path. Anevia did not know what was to come, and he could not prepare her, each time one of the species went through a power surge all any could do was wait for it to be over. By the looks of things this surge had been a long time coming. If she had ever given herself time to stay in one place long enough this could have happened gradually he was sure.

She seemed to realise that it was not over as she locked gazes with him. There was fear entering that deep amethyst, hardening the surface. That was the last conscious thought he had before light exploded within the room and he was sent backwards through the wall to his back. He had never being knocked out like this in his life before and yet here he was allowing the blackness to swallow him whole. Such peace he felt as the light receded.

Oh she had thought she had known pain before, she had felt pain that had meant she was unconscious for hours before her body had healed enough for her to come back to the pain left within her. Only hours ago she had had a bone crushed and taken the pain as a way to stay sane in the horror of that office. Now, it was all those moments combined with that added torture of no realise by unconsciousness. She was painfully awake and locked within her own body as it lit up the room like a human torch. She became light itself.

The light became heat, consuming all around her, it started slowly her clothes becoming ash, the chain on her wrist becoming molten, melting from over her. There was no pain there it was as if the skin itself was now light, and light cannot be burnt. There was nothing around her, the bedside cabinet and lamp had disintegrated beside her. She had no idea when this would end or how long it had lasted so far.

The Shadow Hunter came back to the present with a groan. His hand going to his head. As he sat up awkwardly, staring in dismay at what was a solid wall before him. His anger rose. His home had been defiled by a half breed going supernova on him. He was definitely not letting this one go.

Staggering to his feet, still off balance, he stumbled his way through the whole in his wall only to come up short at the sight before him. Well, he had not expected that. He could feel the power still radiating from her, trying to knit itself fully within her cells. If there was a time to kill her it was now, while she was down. Yet even the darkness within him rebelled at that idea.

It recognised something that called to him from the power that now resided within her. Knew there was something this woman would be need for. Was this what they angels had discovered? That she would have a power surge. That she would have something that could tip the scales in this war that was only creating more death by the hour.

She lay upon the floor, from what he could see her clothes had gone. The power surge had probably turned them to dust. He had had that experience himself. The majority of her was covered by her wings. If he had not seen her wings before the surge he would not have believed it was possible. Actually, if she had been a normal angel it may have been impossible. The deepest blue and purple transformed. They now looked as if the darkest heart of the sapphires and amethysts had been melted and plated each and every filament of every feather upon her wings. They were definitely unique.

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