Chapter 1

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N/A hey everyone this is my first time writing a fanfic and naturally it's about my favourite show Sons of anarchy. To go through a few things first I do not own anything except for the thoughts coming from my own imagination, the rest of the praise belongs to Kurt Sutter, the most amazing writer ever! Second some of the characters have been changed so here is a run-through of what is different. Gemma and Clay were always married she never married John or ever had feelings for him. John and Clay started the club together and John is still dead. John was married to Maureen Ashby and had Jax. She is also dead and Jax is their only child. He is next in line to take over the club as he is the older of the two heirs to SAMCRO. The other of course is Clay's son with Gemma his name is Jeff. His turn will be after Jax until then when Jax gets the gavel Jeff will be his v.p . Clay and Gemma also have a daughter Savannah... the princess of SAMCRO she moved away for college and now has come back to a family and a life she never thought she wanted. So here goes hope you like!

Savannah found herself speeding down the familiar roads, with one hand on the wheel and the other out the window. She lets out a brief sigh while she passes the sign that says "Welcome to Charming". She never thought she would find herself coming back here in million years, much less four short years later. Now here she is on her way to the infamous SAMCRO headquarters. The thought of this makes her want laugh at herself in disbelief but she has nowhere else to go after what happened with her ex Mike. Memories begin to race through her mind and she pushes them away as she pulls onto the lot.

"Here we go" she says to herself.

She sees the familiar bikes parked in the same spots as always with one or two she hasn't seen before. It has been 4 years who knows what's changed with the club. Gemma's head peeks through the office window. When she realizes it's her daughter in the car she begins running to her with a confused yet ecstatic look on her face. Right behind her is Clay following closely with the same emotion evident on his face. Savannah pulls herself out of the car and brings a smile to her face.

"Hey mom."

Gemma pulls her close and wraps her arms tightly around her shoulders in a loving hug. She releases Savannah from her grasp and looks up at her with dismay

"Four years... I haven't seen you in 4 years and all you can say is hey mom?"

"Gem c'mon she just pulled in." Clay says with playful annoyance. He was always closer to his daughter than she was and she envied that sometimes.

"Hi baby girl" He says as he kisses her forehead "What brings you back here? I swear I could remember you telling me you would never set foot in Charming again in a million years." Clay says sarcasm radiating off his lips.

"Well, four years out of this place was enough to make me miss it." She lies not wanting to disclose the real reason she left.

"I'm home, for good" she manages to say.

"Really?! Oh hell Savvy, we've missed you." Gemma practically yells to her.

"I missed you too mom" Savannah hugs her with hesitation.

Savannahs POV:

As I release my mom from my embrace I hear a familiar and loving voice.

"Is that? Savvy!"

My brother comes running over to me with open arms and picks me up off the ground in one swift movement. He practically hugs all the air out of me before placing me back on my

feet. Man I have missed him.

"Jeff! Holy shit I have missed you so much." I say and mean it.

"You? I've had to survive our fucken parents being complete messes without their precious daughter." He jokes

"Ha-ha joker as usual. Where are the rest of the guys?"

"Where do you think? In the clubhouse, their a little tied up with all the booze and pussy though. " He warns "Things haven't changed while you've been gone." He says with a grin.

"Well at least I know that will always be the same." I say walking towards the clubhouse with him following me close behind.

When I walk in the familiar scent overtakes me of weed, cigarettes, booze and pussy. Memories of when I was a teenager fill my head. Most of the members kids were all the same age give or take a few years. My childhood best friend Jax teller was the oldest followed by my brother, Opie, Tigs daughters Dawn and Fawn and me who were all the same age. When we in our teens we would all sneak in here after the stupid family dinners my mom would throw at our house and get high and drunk. We were never afraid a patch would catch us because absolutely no patch would dare walk out on Gemma Morrow's dinners. Now looking at this place I wish I had appreciated it more rather than run from it. It's a part of me and in my blood.

I, being off in my own world almost didn't notice the handful of biker men running up towards me.

"Savvy where the fuck have you been lass. We've missed you causing trouble around here." Chibs says to me his familiar accent bringing back old memories.

"Well now that I'm back I guess I have a lot of trouble to cause to make up for it."

He laughs and pulls me into a hug along with all the other men I have grown up with.

"Savvy, looks like you're getting a welcome home party tonight." Tig says to me with a devious smirk

"Please Tig you're just using that as an excuse to get drunk and fuck a crow eater." I joke

"C'mon darlin you know I don't need an excuse to do that."

I laugh and just when I am about to respond Jax Teller walks through the door. I knew seeing him would be hard but I never expected all my feelings towards him to hit me like a ton of bricks. He is one of the only things I regret leaving behind in this town and now it's too late. Or is it? He approaches me with hesitation and my heart begins to skip a beat. Why am I so nervous I've known Jax all my life and I'm acting like a little bitch. He finally reaches me and opens his mouth.

"Hey Sav, been a long time."

I lose my train of thought and forget how to speak.

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