Chapter 16

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Jax POV:

We arrived at the rental dealership, just as it opened. We poisoned ourselves perfectly to see any cars or people who came in and out. We waited and waited but no one even close to his description or the car showed up. Now its 10 till four, his last ten minutes to get this done before they close. Just as I am about to suggest we give up, the black SUV from the motel pulls into the lot. We all turn towards each other as we load up our guns and resourcefully exit the van. We walk up to the office where the man is already inside waiting in a line full of people. To avoid harming any innocents we need another tactic.

"I'll go wait behind the car, you guys stay here call me if there's any trouble." I say as Clay and the other guys nod. I carefully duck down and practically crawl to the passenger side of the parked SUV. I wait for about a minute before I hear and see the footsteps from underneath the car. In one swift movement I dash behind the figure and hold the gun in my hands to his temple.

"Whoa man! Here take my wallet I don't want any trouble." The man says as I force him to turn around to face me. He is at least a 250 pound Spanish kid... maybe 17 or 18 years old. I know I don't know mike but this was defiantly not him.

"Who are you?" I say as I hold the gun in place.

"Mi-guel Tagaro, what do you want? I'll give you what whatever you want." He says as beads of sweat drip down his face and he stutters his words.

"What the fuck is this?" Tig says as he Clay and Opie meet me around the side of the car guns still in hand.

"Please do don't kill me." Miguel begs.

"Who's he?" Clay asks in confusion.

"He came back to the car, but he's not out guy." I answer.

"Clearly." Says Opie.

"Are you looking for the guy who rented the car?" Miguel asks gathering some courage.

"Yeah... what you know about him?" I say as I holster my gun realising he is not a threat.

"No-nothing, he approached me outside a coffee shop gave me 500 bucks. Said if I returned the car and paid for it with that money he'd give me 500 more. I didn't mean to cause problems man; do you want the money back or something?" Miguel asks less frightened now that all of our weapons were out of sight.

"Smart bastard... he knew we would stake the place out." Tig says nodding his head.

"Hey nacho libre, how was he planning to give you the rest of the money?" Opie chimes in and asks him.

"Hey gave me his cellphone number... said to call when it was done and he would pick a meeting place." Miguel answered.

"You have the number?" I ask slightly frustrated.

"Yeah man, here use my phone." He says as he pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials the number. I place the phone to my ear and hear the dial four times until the answering machine picks up saying "Hi you've reached Teller-Morrow automotive repair shop please leave a message." When I hear the familiarity of Gemma's voice in the phone I am overcome by rage.

"What?" Clay asks concerned.

"He gave him the number for TM. He's fucking with us; he knew we would fall for it."

"Piece of shit." Tig says through his teeth.

"Here, sorry for the misunderstanding bro... Can we trust you can keep this between us?" I say handing Miguel's phone back to him.

"Of course man, I-I won't tell anyone I swear." He says as he holds up his hands in defence.

"Good, now get the fuck out of here Amigo." Says Opie as Miguel looks like he is running for the hills. He doesn't keep up his pace long as he gets tired and continues by walking sluggishly out of the lot.

"Now what?" I ask Clay.

"I got no God damn idea."

Savannah POV:

When the guys got back I knew better than to get my hopes up that they got him. Mike was too smart to sneaky and too good at being a scumbag. When Jax told me he looked almost as if he was embarrassed and it broke my heart. I feel like I'm putting so much pressure on of the guys and wasting all of their time and possibly even risking their lives. They all refused to back down when I mentioned it to them and I love them all endlessly for their dedication. We all eat dinner at the Clubhouse and Jax and I were now hanging out in his dorm room before Jax receives a call.

"Yeah?" Jax says into his cellphone.

"What? Are you sure? Yeah thanks man, I'll be there soon." Jax says after multiple pauses to listen to the person speak on the other end until he finally hangs up.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"That was Unser, said he just got a report that a guy matching Mikes description was just killed in a drunk driving accident. Apparently, the driver was driving pretty fucked up and someone called it in. The cops tried to pull him over but he ran a red light to try to get away from them. A semi t-boned him and he's done for. Killed instantly on impact. Unser wants me to go down to Id the body, make sure it's our guy." Jax says quickly as a bitter-sweet smile grows on his and my lips.

"So it's over?" I ask in disbelief.

"It's over baby." He says as he kisses me and pulls me into his embrace.

After our little private moment he runs out and tells the rest of the group. My mom and dad both hug me and the few guys remaining all got prepared to head out with Jax.

"The guys are going to come with me to id the body. I'm going to drop you off at your mom's house with Half-sack until I get back." Jax informs me.

"Why can't I just stay here?" I ask pleadingly.

"You need to rest; I know you've hardly slept the past week." He says to me while gently tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Fine, but you better be beside me when I wake up." I say trying to sound stern.

"Anything for you." He tells me as he kisses me softly on the cheek.

"C'mon, the faster we get out of here the faster this is all over." I say as Jax puts his arm around me and leads me out the door into the parking lot.

The guys accompany Me, Jax and Half-sack back to my parents' house on the short ride. When we finally pull into the driveway I get off Jax's bike and kiss him quickly before I head to the front door; Half-sack quick behind me.

"Hey Sack!" Jax yells over the roar of his engine.

"Yeah?" He questions back to him.

"You take care of my girl." He warns as we both smile.

"You know it." Half-sack replies as we both enter the eerie quit house.

I turn on the lights but the feeling still doesn't go away as I shiver gaining goose bumps.

Half -sack plops on the couch before he looks back at me still standing in place.

"You okay?" He asks softly.

"Yeah, I'm going to go take a shower." I say quickly heading to my bedroom.

"Okay call me if you need anything!" He yells as his voice echoes down the hallway.

I step into my room which I haven't been in over a week and make sure everything is in place. It is, and when I am satisfied I undress and grab a set of more comfy clothes and make my way into my small bathroom. I turn on the shower and let the hot steam melt away my worry. Just when I am fully calm I hear a thump.

I step out of the shower and cover myself with my pink fuzzy robe and head out into the living room.

"Half-sack!" I call out with no reply or answer.

When I finally reach the living room he is unconscious on the floor with blood smeared across his face.

I begin to breathe heavily and my heart is beating uncontrollably. I can see a shadow on the floor coming closer behind me. I quickly turn around and all my fears and worries are in front of me this very second.

"Mike" I manage to utter through my now falling like waterfall tears.

"Hello Savannah, I've missed you babe."

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