Chapter 31

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Savannah POV:

I blink open my eyes and the brightness of the room causes me to wince slightly. I turn over and of course the other side of the bed is empty, lacking Jax's presence. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and force myself to sit up on the bed. Today, if all goes as planned the witness testifying against Jax will no longer pose as a threat. As much as the thought bothers me, there is no other way of getting Jax back and that is not acceptable. I head into the bathroom and prepare myself for the day. When I see my reflection in the mirror I am slightly frightened at my appearance. I didn't realize how horrible I actually looked. All the stress of being without Jax has taken a great toll on me and clearly I can't hide it. I apply more makeup than usual in attempts of concealing my harsh exterior but it doesn't help much. I walk past the kitchen not feeling like I can hold down any food and decide to head straight to the clubhouse.

When I arrive Jeff is the only one I see working on his bike in the garage. I make my way over to him and a strong look of concentration is apparent on his face, as he focuses on whatever it is he's doing.

"Mornin." I say and he looks up and smiles at me slightly.

"Hey Savvy, you look like shit." He replies with concern.

"Gee thanks, I feel like it too." I say and rub at my tired eyes. "I haven't been sleeping well, without Jax." I say and Jeff nods in understanding.

"Hey, I know it's hard but you need to keep it together okay? If you need anything were all here for you. Jax will be out before you know it, were taking care of it tonight." Jeff says wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me in for a tight hug.

"Thanks, I needed that." I say and pull out of his grip.

"Anytime. As much as we fight, you're still my baby sister and I'd do anything for you." He says.

"Well look at you getting all corny." I joke and he pinches my cheeks purposely knowing I hate when people do that.

"Go lay down for a bit, mom can handle the office." He says and I nod in agreement.

Jeff POV

I hated seeing my little sister looking so broken, as much as I would love to blame Jax it's really not all his fault. The only way to fix this is to get him out and that I promised myself I would do for Savvy. She's been through so much then things started to look up. Now they all went to shit and we need to get them back to normal.

My dad thought it would be a good idea to visit Stahl and rattle her cage a bit. So here he and I are demanding we speak to her.

"Clay and Jeff Morrow wanna see you." An agent in a black suit says.

My dad get's annoyed with the pleasantries and attempts to push through the agent .

"Hey!" He warns trying to hold him back.

"It's okay, let them in." Stahl says holding up her hand.

He backs away and closes the door leaving us alone with her.

My dad steps directly in front of her and gives his best intimidating facial expressions as he speaks.

"You kick down my doors, you hurt my daughter, you lock up one of my brothers for a crime he didn't commit.

"Well, we'll let a jury decide that." She interjects.

"Going after all the old lady's proves one thing. You're desperate, you've got nothing." I say with a menacing smirk upon my lips.

"It kills you doesn't it, to see me and my guys living good lives? Families, friends, nice homes." My dad says and Stahls smug demeanour falters slightly as my dad continues. "You hate the fact that we get the same rights and freedoms as you do."

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