Chapter 7

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Jax POV:

When Savannah came to the hospital and offered to talk to Oswald's kid I thought it was kind of weird. Especially since the way she reacted when I told her. The look she had on her face it was like she experienced the same thing. That's why I was so curious to listen in on the conversation. A few minutes after she left with Karen I followed her to the room. I slowly opened the door and began to eavesdrop silently. That is until I heard Savannah tell Tristan that the same thing happened to her. When that happened my rage could not be controlled as her eyes met mine. How could she not tell me? I close the door and wait for her to come outside. When the door finally opens I manage to contain my anger against this animal that hurt her by clenching my fists at my side. Then I speak the words that are practically darting out of my mouth.

"Did that really happen? What you told her? Your boyfriend, did he do that!" I ask with as much gentleness I can muster.

"Yes." She answers me as a tear cascades from her blue eyes. Just as I am about to speak again Savannah wipes her tear as Clay approaches.

"Hey Savvy did she tell you who it was?" Clay asks oblivious of the bomb shell that has just dropped.

"It was the clown; she said he was working at the dunk tank." Savannah says as smoothly as she can.

"Piece of shit! Let's go get the pervert." Clay says referring to me.

"Yeah of course bro, give me one second I just need to talk to Sav really quick." I say wanting to get a word in with her alone.

"Okay hurry up we'll be outside." He says as he walks away leaving me alone with Savannah once again.

"I have to go take care of this." I say as I grab my keys off the chain hanging from my pocket. As I untangle one from its hook I hold it up in front of her.

"Take my key and meet me at my house. When I get back you are telling me the rest of the story. Tonight." I demand not accepting any other answer than yes.

"Okay." She answers back as she sniffles. I bring her into my embrace and hug her tight.

"I should go, I won't be too long." I release her from my arms and walk out of the hospital meeting the guys outside. We head to Fun Town prepared for a fight. This should be good for me, I can release my anger on a bunch of scum bag carnies who deserve to die before I go talk to Savannah.

Savannah POV:

As I pull myself together, just enough to face my mom I tell her the truth about heading to Jax's. She doesn't seem to question it as she just smiles and rubs my shoulders as I leave the hospital and head for my car. When I get in my car I take a much needed deep breath to prepare myself for the conversation I was about to have in less than an hour. I finally start my car and ease into the short drive to Jax's house. I turn on the radio to distract myself and sing along with the lyrics just to clear my head. When I pull into Jax's driveway the house looks darker and less welcoming than I remember. It must feel like that because unlike the oftentimes I was here Jax was not with me. When I approach the door I hesitate quickly before I manage to stick the key into the lock and step inside the dark house. I turn on the light switch and the house is a little tidier than the day before. Jax must have cleaned up a bit, not that I could ever picture him doing that. I take this time to explore my surroundings before he gets back. I quickly glance into what seem to be two fairly large spare bedrooms. They were painted a neutral shade of beige with little to no furniture inside of them. I move to the next bedroom and the door is closed unlike the rest. When I step inside the room is painted a light shade of blue and the furniture consists of a modern white crib, changing table and a shelf of sorts. Just above the crib are decorated letters that spell out the name "Abel". This was or would have been Jax's son's nursery. My heart instantly feels wretched as I can't even begin to ponder how he must have felt losing his son. I step out of the room quickly and careful not to displace anything and allow the door to return to its previous state. I move down the hallway to the next bedroom; Jax's. The room is the same beige as the spare rooms the only difference is this rooms much bigger size and the dark wood furniture placed on the ground. I look around until a photo attached to the mirror catches my eye. Jax and I sitting on his bike the first day he got it. We were both smiling so big and the rest of our group were gathered around us. Opie was a blur as he was running into the picture, my brother is sticking up is middle finger and Dawn and Fawn had their arms on each other's shoulder making a kissy face. Even though four other people were in the picture all I could see was me in Jax. I put the photo back and exit the room. I sit on the couch and flip through channels until I hear the roar of Jax's motorcycle. He steps inside and looks at me sitting on the couch before he plops down on the arm chair adjacent from where I am sitting.

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