Chapter 38

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Jax POV:

Smoke fills my dorm room as I continuously exhale the contents of my cigarette. After dropping Savannah off at the house, I told her I had stuff to do at the clubhouse just so I could cool down before I went home. I found myself more angry than I should be with this whole Ima situation, so keeping a low profile here is better for both of us right now.

A knock sounds at the door.

"Yeah?" I say giving permission to whoever it behind the door to enter.

"Juice got the info on that Zobelle guy." Jeff says nodding his head behind him, inviting me to join the discussion.

A perfect distraction to get me out of my head for a little while.

It's weird seeing Jeff so calm after what happened to Noelle, but then again he doesn't know what really happened, which still makes me feel uneasy. He will find out and somehow I'll end up taking the heat for it.

I put my cigarette out in the ashtray by my bed and follow Jeff out of the room, following him into the garage. Opie, Clay, Juice and Chibs are all sitting around the worktop, as Tig shuts the garage door giving us privacy.

"What do you got?" Clay asks Juice, who has a file in his hands.

"Zobelle's a goddamn saint. He's got a bunch of cigar shops, regularly goes to church. He don't got so much as a speeding ticket." Juice says as my eyebrows knit together in confusion.

What the hell would a white collar guy like him be thinking to threaten us? He has to be dirty some way, he just hasn't been caught. That means two things, he's good and his word is better than ours.

Just perfect.

I grab the file out of Juice's hands and skim over it briefly.

"Shit." I say once reading about his last hometown.

"What?" Jeff says and I hand him the file to read for himself.

"The last place Zobelle set up roots, had a local MC that fell apart after assault against his cigar shop." I say and the guys faces don't look at all surprised.

"The MC run guns?" Clay asks.

"They did." Juice says putting emphasis on the fact that it's past tense.

"What does he care about guns?" Tig asks not seeing the connection.

"He doesn't, he cares about who were selling it to." Jeff fills in, using a tone suggesting Tig was stupid for not realizing it before.

Tig clenches his teeth, becoming agitated with Jeff's remark as usual. I don't know why the hell those two always but heads. Thankfully Chibs interjects drawing our attention to him.

"He wanted to tempt us, make us look bad in front of the cops. We own the law in Charming, he's got nothing on us."

I think about it for a moment and do agree we have Unser in our pockets, but his time is running out. When Hale takes over the department, things won't run as smoothly.

"Unser not Hale." Jeff says reading my direct thoughts.

"Maybe he got Hale." Opie suggests.

"If Hale could be bought, we'd own him." Clay says and I nod in agreement. "Let's stick with the devil we know." He adds before Ope cuts in.

"Darby's got a meth lab running somewhere inside Charming. Ran into a dealer of his today with Aryan muscle to back him up." He says offering knew information.

Last I knew, Darby wasn't operational inside this town, which is how we liked to keep it. Someone must be helping him and all signs point to Zobelle.

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