Chapter 13

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Jax POV:

When I wake up, the sun is shining through my bedroom window and is perfectly highlighting a sleeping Savannah. Her hair is a mess and her make-up is smudged down her face, yet she still manages to look perfect. I run my hand down her cheek as she stirs and turns over so her back is to me. I gently glide my fingers down her naked back and trace circles up and down lightly using only my fingertips.

"Teller, cut it out I'm trying to sleep." Savannah says playfully while yawning.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I ask continuing my gentle assault on her back and she turns over to face me.

"It's okay. Good morning." She says as she grins immensely.

"Mornin." I say as I press my lips to hers quickly.

"The guys are probably waiting for us, we should get going." I say as she looks disappointed.

"Do we have to leave?" She wines.

"It's for your safety. You need to stay at the clubhouse while we look for leads." I say wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Okay...fine." She says.

We both get up and get ready quickly. We eat a fast breakfast and before we know it we are pulling into the lot that is in full swing lock down.

When we step inside the clubhouse the only people in sight are Jeff and Opie. They are sitting at one of the small tables as they both turn to look at us as we approach.

"Morning Savvy." Opie says trying to sound positive.

"Hey Ope." She says offering a small smile.

"Mom and dad went to buy some shit; food, booze. You know?" Jeff tells us.

"She would go buy booze at eight in the morning." Savannah says sarcastically.

"You know these shit heads, they drink the bar stock in one Friday." Opie says as he laughs and lights a cigarette.

"The prospect probably drank half the bar last night. He was all bent out of shape about some sweet butt he met in Nevada. He's still passed out, what a pussy." Jeff says as we all chuckle.

"Maybe you should wake him up." I suggest with a mischievous grin.

"I'll get the ice water." Savannah says as she gets up and heads into the kitchen.

"I'll get the bullhorn." Jeff says a little too enthusiastically.

"Bullhorn?" Savannah questions.

"You missed a lot." Opie says snickering.

Savannah accepts his answer as she and Jeff go off in smiles with their plan to wake up the prospect. I'm glad she's having some fun and at least smiling a little. Even if it causes the prospect some discomfort, so be it.

"How is she?" Opie asks taking a drag from his cigarette.

"She's... okay. Better than I expected actually." I say nodding my head.

"She seems like it. So... you hit that yet?" Opie asks with a naughty smirk.

I laugh before I answer.

"I don't kiss and tell." I answer.

"Come on, don't be a little bitch. Just admit it, I know you did." He says passively.

I simply wink at him and he interprets it knowing fully it was a yes.

"Nice man, how was it?" He asks in curiosity.

Before I answer we hear a loud screech and then the laughter of Jeff and Savannah as they coming running down from the dorm rooms. Simultaneously Clay and Gemma are entering the clubhouse when they hear the loud noise.

"What the fuck is happening." Gemma asks putting down numerous paper bags on the bar.

Jeff and Savannah instantly attempt to hide their smiles but could not contain their laughter as Half-sack comes out dripping wet and is shivering.

We all begin to laugh except for Clay and Gemma as they both place their hands on their hips warningly.

"What the hell happened to him?" Clay asks me.

"He needed a wakeup call." Opie informs him as we all giggle.

Gemma scoffs.

"I swear, this is exactly like when you were all teenagers. Nothing ever changes with you guys." Gemma tells us as she points to the bathroom for the prospect. He then thuds away leaving a dripping path of water.

"Unser got a lead, some guy at a motel not too far matching Mike's description. His credit card number didn't match but the owner let him pay for the room in cash. He hasn't checked out yet so we need to get our asses there now." Clay informs us as we all grow serious.

"I'll go wake up the guys." Opie says as he walks towards the dorm rooms.

Savannah POV:

When all the guys are finally awake and fueled up with coffee and donuts they are finally all at their bikes ready to leave. I walk up to Jax as he brings me into his embrace and hugs me tightly.

"Be careful." I say into his shoulder.

"You know I will." He says as he pulls his face away and looks me in the eyes before giving me a quick peck on the lips. His hands on my waist loosen and I move down the line to my Jeff.

"Thank you." I say as I hug him.

"You're my baby sister; I'd do anything for you Savvy." He says as he smiles and releases me.

I finally reach my dad and I simply hug him without saying a word.

"Stay safe." I mumble.

"You got it." He assures me.

I then stand back and look around at all the men who are about to go and defend my honor. They are truly my family. I am so grateful to have them around. Even though I never wanted to live in this life now I realise what I left behind four years ago. Jax made me see, the club is one big family. Though we have our down falls and our rough patches we will always be there for each other. That's why I love them so much.

"Thank you, all of you." I say as they all nod their heads.

They all get onto their bikes and comforting sound of multiple bikes roar to a start. Jax waves goodbye as they all follow my dad out of the lot. They are about to embark on a hopefully quick manhunt, but I doubt it will be that easy. Mike is smart, really smart and if he was able to find me who knows what else he has planned for our reunion.

"They're going to be okay, it all going to be okay." My mom says rubbing my shoulder as she can sense I am at unease.

"I know." I say wishing I could actually believe it.

"C'mon, let's get inside." My mom tells me as she leads me across the lot to inside the protection of the clubhouse.


Jax POV:

Clay suggested we check back at his place before we head to the motel to see if he left anything else there. When we arrive the guys check the perimeter of the house as Jeff and I check Savannahs bedroom.

When we enter, the room is decorated in what is supposed to be a romantic manner. But the fact that he did it just makes it sick.

Pink and red rose petals lightly dust the floor and bed. Bouquets of flowers are strategically placed in; every corner of the room and on the bed lays a single piece of paper and something else. Beside the piece of paper is a red lace lingerie set consisting of a bra panties and a robe. I open the paper to find another picture of them two. This time they are kissing on what looks to be an outdoor setting of sorts. The piece of paper has the same words along every line of the page. "I miss you, I miss you, I miss you." Etc. all the way to the bottom of the paper.

My mouth falls into a straight line and I speak my next words through my teeth.

"I'm going to kill him." I say looking at a dazed Jeff.

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