Chapter 11

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Jax POV:

When Clay and the rest of the guys arrive in Nevada; we quickly assembly in the Tribes chapel as he begins his speech. The Tribe members gather at their usual spots as Clay holds up the gavel, while standing at the head of the table. The SAMCRO members stand around him and the table.

"The next time this gavel slams down... will be the last for The Devils Tribe. History between our clubs, Jury and John Teller were fellow soldiers in war. Needles brother's a twenty year member of our Fresno charter. We have a deep respect for each other. Now... it's time to become brothers. I know some of you look forward to wearing the reaper. Others of you are afraid of it. From this point on were family. Indian Hills, Nevada charter, Sons of Anarchy. It is my personal hope every one of you wears this cut. I know you got a lot to talk about, we'll leave you to your business." Clay says as he leads us outside so that they can make their decision.

We all wait outside for a few minutes before a handful of men come outside throwing their cuts on the floor, swearing and then leaving hastily on their bikes.

"Were in brother." Jury says as he approaches Clay and hugs him quickly.

"Patch-over party!" Happy yells as we all make our way into the bar. The music starts and the alcohol comes out. All the guys have a girl at their sides, even the prospect. Jeff is sitting at the bar alone as he downs a shot of a dark liquid. I sit beside him and he turns to look at me.

"Where's you're girl man." I ask him nosily.

"I'm not interested in any of them." He tells me vaguely.

"And why is that brother, you're always in the mood to get fucked." I retort.

"Well, since your all so fucken nosy... I met someone." He informs.

"Yeah, I heard." I say.

"Wow, of course my fucken sister can't keep her mouth shut." He says annoyed.

"It wasn't her, I heard you talking to Jury." I defend.

"Oh, did you hear anything else." He asks catching on.

"I heard everything. I can't believe you don't trust me with your sister. Did she put you up to that bullshit." I ask him as the question was weighing on my mind.

"No man, she doesn't have any idea. I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to hurt her. I know the rules man, what happens on a run stays on a run. Those rules don't apply to my sister. You're with her, and no one else. Not even on a run. You understand me?" He says trying to sound intimidating.

"I get it bro, I would never do that to her. I don't give a fuck about the rules. She's all I want... I don't know how many times I have to say it." I say getting annoyed at the lack of trust and faith in me.

"As long as you follow through on that, were cool man." He says as he shakes my hand roughly.

"So... who's the girl?" I ask changing the subject, while Jeff scoffs.

"Here names Noelle." He tells me.

"She a crow-eater?" I ask at the unfamiliar name.

"No way man, she lives in Lodi and we are far from her usual crowd." Jeff says chuckling at my statement as if it were absurd.

"Where'd you meet her then?" I ask.

"A bar... I thought she was hot, so I asked her to come home with me. She slapped me across the face. You know me I love a challenge." He says smugly as I laugh at his huge ego.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" I ask.

"She wouldn't really fit in. My mom would hate her and I don't feel like fighting with everyone about it." He says sounding distraught.

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