Chapter 3

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Savannah POV:

I wake up with a pounding headache and it feels as if an elephant has just sat on my head. But I know better and this is going to be a killer hangover. I lay there for a few minutes trying to play last night festivities through my mind. Its blank, the only thing I remember is the one thing I wish I could forget. I kissed Jax last night and he rejected me. Ouch. Not that I thought we were going to kiss, have sex and ride off into the sunset or anything, but his reaction was not the one I was hoping for. I'll just have to blame the alcohol and pretend I don't remember. Maybe then he won't bring it up at all... hopefully. After plotting my drunken amnesia, I start to smell the bitter aroma of coffee.

"Hey darlin, I got the hangover cure all ready for you. Coffee, Advil, fried bacon and I know you hate it but even raw egg yolk." Jax says to me pointing to all the food on his kitchen counter. He is still wearing only his boxers and no shirt. Fuck he's so hot.

"I'll eat everything, even the eggs. But first they need to be cooked sunny side up." I say to him and smile cutely.

"How did I know there was gonna be a but?" He smiles back at me before getting a pan and pouring the eggs onto it.

"What can I say? You know me well."

"Too well. Do you even remember anything about last night?" He asks me his face now

turning serious. Shit I hope he doesn't mention the kiss.

"No, oh my god what did I do? Please don't tell me I embarrassed myself in front of all those people."

"Who cares what those losers think and no don't worry you didn't. You did try and dirty dance with Piney though." He says not being able to help his laughter. I join him before I respond.

"Shit that's so embarrassing." I chuckle before I continue. "What did he do?" I cover my face, afraid of his answer.

"I'm just kidding with you Sav, Piney was passed out snoring like hell after an hour."

"Jax! Don't joke like that it's not funny." I practically pout watching him slide my egg onto a plate as we both head to the table.

"I'm sorry I couldn't resist. What happened to I'm different now, I can hold my liquor?" he asks trying to mimic my voice.

"Ok... so maybe I exaggerated, but usually I can out drink my friends!"

"Yeah, because they probably got wasted after one drink. You're forgetting you grew up drinking around a bunch of old bikers." He tells me food still in his mouth.

"True" I say and we finish the rest of our breakfast in a comfortable silence.

I then get up and put mine and Jax's dishes in the sink before beginning to wash them along with the rest of the mess. I was always a neat freak. Jax always teased me about it. He walks over to the sink and gently pulls my hand away.

"I see you're still OCD over messiness." He laughs trying to clean the mess on his own but I don't budge. "I'll clean it, I cooked and it's my kitchen. You go lay down and fight that hangover 'cause as soon as I'm done you're coming with me to TM and you know how serious Gemma gets about hangovers at work."

"Work... I forgot about that, I really shouldn't of drank so much last night." I sigh. "It's all your fault Teller. Now the least you could do is let me clean your nasty kitchen." I joke.

"My fault? Really?" he laughs and begins to flick the soapy water at me.

"Ahh Jax! Stop" I yell and laugh at the same time. He stops flicking the water at me and stares at me for a few seconds longer than he should. I pretend I don't notice as he looks back at the sink.

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